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The 4 Seasons

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About The 4 Seasons

  • Birthday 07/30/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    North Haven, CT
  • Interests
    Weather. All things winter related.

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  1. ****UPDATE**** NEW Ice Storm page for CT Historical Section: added 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 snowstorms Unified color scheme for all maps and better consistency across mobile and desktop Winter 24-25, 23-24, 22-23 now has separate pages for CT/SNE/Tri-state maps only or you can view them all together in the main page
  2. i feel like 06-07 did as well but i think it was just a sleet fest. V-day 07 was like 3" of pure sleet at Danbury i remember. And the storms after it i think were sleet and snow. The big 08 icestorm did not affect CT really. mostly Mass to VT/NY and 08-09 i got a good one in january.
  3. well i guess theyll update the climo page then at some point. i have a feeling it might be Feb 16 because their report was suspiciously low...slightly
  4. well any other years/events that i dont have for ice let me know if you think of anything
  5. where are you getting that number from? did they release something? The climo page still has 21.7 and the NOWdata still adds up to 21.7
  6. i think this site has every one of them available, if its not there it likely doesnt exist. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/wx/afos/list.phtml?by=cccc&source=ALY&pil=AFD&year=2002&month=11&day=16&year2=2025&month2=3&day2=11&view=grid&order=asc
  7. Yeah i remember sleet began Sunday night and lasted on and off through monday night, then we went to pound town. I would have loved to seen that modeled today, that was before i started even looking at models. I remember Kocin calling it "probably the biggest storm the NYC/tri-state area has seen in over 50 years" Looking back i think he was referring to current record for NYC at the time which was the blizzard of 1947. 12/26-27/47. I didn't realize that fell on the same dates as the Blizzard of 2010 until now.
  8. i mean its really like much closer to 10ft, which is 120" as there was probably a report or two over 120". The 150"er is Blue Hills they were in the best spot possible that season, closest to the coast and elevated.
  9. Nada OKX/ALY - no PNS BOX PNS not enough to do a map with, two reports
  10. Yeah, hopefully someday it'll be really good looking with purple and pink colors over us.
  11. Ok I'll check to see if there are pns reports
  12. What was the ice storm in 02 November? After the 26-27 snow storm? So the 29th storm i have on my site?
  13. That's all I got reports get pretty scarse in the 2000s. So 1999. If you have any suggestions let me know and I'll see if there are reports
  14. How far back for what? the CT archive goes back to 1999 for all storms..so the November 2002 storm is there. As far as ice events, thats all of them unless you think there is more i can add. if you know please let me know, but i also need to have reports in the PNS for any additional events. https://www.jdjweatherconsulting.com/past-storms-02-03
  15. Thanks. Yeah it was probably 1,000s of hours over the course of 2 years. I'm still working on it and adding new stuff all the time. I recently added a freezing rain map section and added the 2023 and 2022 storms to the historic section. Im going backward and doing all the big ones but i def plan on doing Feb 2001 and Dec 2000 as well. https://www.jdjweatherconsulting.com/ice-storms As far as 04-05...that was a weird one because it was so good on paper but looking back (and at the time) it was always seemed kinda meh. Probably because the Jan 05 blizzard sucked and like 70% of the snowfall fell after late Feb into march. That late feb and march blitz was pretty insane. That Jan 2005 kinda felt like 2015. Looking from the outside while E MA and the cape got crushed with 2-3 feet. Also i remember forecasts being pretty high like 18-30" and we ended up with much less and with the rates were pretty bad throughout the storm, the radar looked like shredded sh*t the whole time. https://www.raymondcmartinjr.com/weather/2005/22-Jan-05-RegionalRadarImagery.html The next storm ill be adding this week to the site is Feb 2021 then Dec 2020 to the historic page.
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