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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. Massachusetts mandated in person, 5 days a week. My kids went to private school last year. 5 days, full time. One kindergartner was out with the COVID sniffles for a week. That’s it. No teacher or staff had it. And no adult was vaxed until at least March/April. Kids need to be back in school.
  2. It’ll burn itself out to a low baseline. Once enough people get infected or vaxed, they’ll be fewer vectors. But it could take another couple of years.
  3. Don’t knock it till you try it. Needs to be done with a cheap ass Pilsner like coors or bud.
  4. We just called it red beer, but I’ve heard them called red eye too. It’s pretty good actually. Coors Light blows but a little tomato juice and some salt on top is pretty good. Im not a huge beer drinker. I know what I like. Not a fan of IPAs either. I’ll stick with a Sam lager.
  5. I liked the originals. Greevey, Logan, robinette, stone and cragen.
  6. They have had increasing cases for about 4 weeks. There have been no changes in the number of deaths. In every other spike the deaths have followed 2-3 weeks later. So far, nada. In every instance I can find where vax rates are high, the death numbers are non existent despite increasing cases. They have 185 in the hospital. That’s less than half of what they had in the last spike.
  7. Coots light mixed with a little tomato juice. Touch of salt on top. Get the mix right, and it’s actually pretty good.
  8. Back in the winter there was a week where I kept smell burnt ashes. Like old wet cigarettes. Hmmm
  9. I was in line as soon as I was eligible and will get a boost too. I don’t want that shyte.
  10. The more people that are vaxed, the "spread" wont matter. There will be fewer people to actually get infected and fewer and fewer vectors.
  11. If you look at other countries where delta peaked, it took 7-8 weeks from valley to peak then the drop. If it holds here, which I think it will, we should peak around the first week of September, lat week of august.
  12. I actually don't have a huge problem with it, on some base level. I just think the CDC's metric needs to include hospitalizations and deaths. To make a blanket 50 case per week average/100k without the other being a part of any metric for restriction recommendations penalizes areas with low deaths, low hospitalizations, and high vax rates. It makes zero sense to have the same recommendations in Massachusetts as compared to Louisiana just because both states are above the same case threshold when the hospital and death metrics are completely 180 degrees different.
  13. Most are following the CDC guidelines, mis-guided as they are. I talked to someone this morning at my work whos in the know so to speak. We did it for a CYA legal thing as much as anything. else.
  14. More evidence that cases are uncoupling.
  15. That was from the P-town data. those people were packed together like sardines. And from what I've been able to hear, the amount in the nose went down really fast in the vaxed (the viral particles didn't infect the cells of the airway, that's what that data tells me). Doenst mean much if its "in the nose". It needs to actively infect the airway to be readily transmissible over time.
  16. Breakthrough is different than being able to transmit at any significant level
  17. That "cant prevent transmission" is garbage science. Its based on the P-town event. Which, as has been discussed, shouldn't be used to make nationwide policy. Most vaxed people don't have enough viral load to spread it anywhere. However, that last sentence in her statement is what's being used to push more people to get vaxed through pressure. But as long as there are unvaxed people, the vaxed can spread it (BS), so we all have to wear the face diapers and undergo restrictions. What they are doing is using the restrictions on the vaxd so we'll put pressure on the rest of the population to get a shot so we can get out of the face diapers. As long as the CDC keeps that narrative and the metrics of cases instead of deaths and hospitalizations, we'll be masked in certain locations forever. It's all sick game at this point.
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