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Posts posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. 1 minute ago, correnjim1 said:

    stop being so sensitive

    Lol. I have OSU on ignore, but I can’t seem to not see when people add his quotes. 
    BTW OSU, it does no good to respond to me because I’ve had you on ignore for weeks. 

    • Haha 1
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  2. 7 minutes ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    But being a Moderator that's also my discretion to decide.  That's where I'm trying to find what that line is on both sides.  I'm pretty open-minded of opposing views but do find some of the rhetoric on the extremes too much.

    That’s where you and I disagree. Your job is to get rid of the personal insults and blatant trolling. Your job is NOT to moderate others opinions. You can as part of your perceived responsibility to challenge someone. If somebody post that vaccines cause dementia, by all means ask them to show the data where that’s a possibility (they can’t by the way) but to censure that is wrong, IMO. 
    But by all means get rid of the insults.

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    scientists are outraged by what's posted here!  Outrage folks!  The trix will stomp the mis information!     Same ol rountine for 10+ years on several boards..when covid is done it will be back to bigots, racists and all the other go to topics to further troll people.

    That’s why you should ignore her. She’s a troll 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    99% of her posts are designed to elicit a response-hence the 5th grade name calling routine.     It's the shitck of a housebound person with no life outside of trolling people on several message boards...

    That’s why she should be ignored. She wants attention and sone people here give it to her. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

    that’s complete bs.

    there are established facts in science, and there are established facts about covid. 

    opinions based on lies are completely worthless.

    Is there a mosquito in here? Where’s my bug zapper. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    Where is the line between covid banter and far right drivel?

    Just read over it. Don’t like someone, put them on ignore. I have several on ignore including that trixy person. She’s a vile name caller. The stuff she posts is what needs to be moderated. DIT saying vax causes dementia is stupid, but it’s not nasty and vile. 
    And it might be far right drivel to you, but what sone people post here is far left drivel to me.  It’s all in the eye of the beholder. 

    • Weenie 1
  7. Just now, Baroclinic Zone said:

    Correct but to call a vaccine poison of that it causes autism and Alzheimer's is a joke.

    I’ll agree with you there. But I think the majority can see what that is and just and ignore it. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    Why should we respect opinions that are not based on actual science/data? 

    Just because one person doesn’t like another’s opinion doesn’t mean it doesn’t have validity. Put 10 PhDs in a room and you can find 10 opinions  on something. We have knock down drag outs at science conferences all the time over data interpretation and we’re all looking at the same thing. Science is messy. 
    And I hardly think the mods on this site have any expertise to parse out what’s valid or not. It’s a discussion thread. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Bostonseminole said:

    Yeah, I would say banter separate from COVID, I like looking at pics from Iceland and don't really want to scroll through a bunch of COVID crap to be honest.

    I like the info. It’s what people are talking about. 
    What I can do without is the “winger” comments and the name calling. The New England folks are ok. Jay and Phin get into it, but for the most part that’s benign. But the name calling and personnel insults need to stop. It’s generally caused by you know who. When that person shows up, that’s when it goes to shyte. 
    The old thread we had was ok, I thought. Moderate it a little, but there is going to be some people who get into it with each other. But what’s unacceptable is the personal insults. 

    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, Wmsptwx said:

    Hospitals are filled in Arkansas and the people in the icu beds are mainly on ventilators. They’ve had to stop elective procedures(which makes them the money they need to stay afloat) and also are having to shop hundreds of miles away each time a cardiac emergency happens or a serious crash takes place. My aunt says her hospital system is on the verge of collapse and they are literally doing anything they can do to find resources and try to stay afloat. It’s a very bad situation.

    Can you read??   I said some, not the norm.

  11. 1 minute ago, UMB WX said:

    were vaccines rolling out the last time cases were 100k and 3k deaths?

    The numbers I looked at for comparison were around the first 10 days of February. So the vax hadn’t  been out long. Maybe the nursing homes were pretty far along. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, Modfan2 said:

    We are peaking down here in FL the same time we did last summer, like you stated above We will start on the down trend in the next two weeks if we are not already.

    Looking at the curves, I think s lot of states are just about there. Louisiana looks to be about to break over. Lot of states curves right now aren’t as steep as the last wave.

    I also see the 7 day average of cases is around 100,000. Deaths are around 500 a day. The last time cases were at 100k per day, deaths were running 3000 a day. This surge is clearly different. It’s either the vaccines, or delta isn’t as deadly. Probably a combination of both.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    Nah, give it 3 more wks

    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

    I dunno, I don’t think so. I could be wrong. But it’s been 7 weeks since the cases started going up and we should have seen an increase in deaths. So far it hasn’t happened. But yea, let’s see what happens in 3 weeks. I think cases start to fall. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

    It's all a conspiracy theory. Not sure why hospitals would allow people in a covid hospital icu

    Some of the ICU beds at smaller hospitals are used for Covid wards. They’re not necceserily sick enough for ICU level care. It’s not the norm, but it is prevalent here and there. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, kdxken said:

    Doctors? Aren't they the same folks who recommended thalidomide for pregnant women?

    MDs aren’t trained scientists for the most part. Most MDs who do research have a PhD as well. Medical school is trade school for physicians. I can teach someone that’s good with their hands a little anatomy and they can do basic abdominal surgery in a few months. Give them a PDR, and they can figure out how to treat basic shyte. Good MDs are great diagnosticians. But it’s doesn’t mean they know how to do good science. My kids pediatrician is a good physician. But he told me immunology is out of his wheel house. 
    People in the Boston area with physicisns at the big teaching hospitals are good researchers too. But 80% wouldn’t know how to read a scientific paper correctly. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, correnjim1 said:

    Don't give them any ideas....and don't you know because we have been wearing masks the flu has been pretty much eradicated 

    Lots of hospitals mandate it. Either vax or wear a mask during flu season. Mass General is one 

  17. 21 minutes ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    These are acceptable numbers to me. @PhineasC

    7 day average deaths are under 2.

    More vaxed in mass. Bout a third of the people in the hospital on any given day are there because they can’t get transferred back to the LTC. They use the hospital  to hold them until the LTC will take them back. Massachusetts has no death or hospital issue. Like I’ve said before, my problem with the CDC metrics is soley based on cases. We’re not in the same boat as a state like Louisiana, but we’re treated like it because of the silly case only metric. 

  18. 11 minutes ago, fujiwara79 said:

    Home Depot just announced that they're requiring masks for customers.  put your mask on, snowflake.  also interesting that you'd rather enrich a mega-corp instead of a small biz, all because of a mask.

    I like Lowe’s better. They’ll get my business. Business can put on mask mandates, I dont have to shop there. Free enterprise. 

  19. Massachusetts doesn’t report numbers on Saturday and Sunday anymore. There were and average of 862 per day over the last three days. 3 deaths. It’s been 7 weeks since “the surge”. I think we uncoupled. 

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