Tough to give you a concise answer. The false negative rate, which is the most important, has been touted as anywhere from 2% to 14%.
But you have to understand how they come up with those numbers.
The rapid test is compared to the PCR test which is considered “the gold standard” (cough cough, BS). So for example, if someone test negative by the rapid test, but test “positive” by PCR, the rapid test in that case is considered a false negative. But is it really? If the PCR test showed a positive at a Ct of 39, I would say the PCR test is a false positive and the rapid test is spot on.
Id have to dig a little and see if anyone has compared the rapid test to the real gold standard which is viral replication assays.
Without a ton of research, I’d guess the false negative rate for the rapid test isn’t much worse than what Abbott says, which is around 3-4%