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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. Yes. I’m a booster and I want to go see my plaque we paid for.
  2. Lol I assume you’re a pretty progressive/socialist type and really don’t care how much the government interferes with your rights. You need to worry about a government who makes you jump through more hoops to get a carry permit than to vote. I hope your sake and my kids that we never get to a totalitarian state. It’s closer than you think. But folks from your age group can’t see it. I hope you’re right and it doesn’t come to it. But when a government can shut a business down, shut churches down and infringe on your 1st amendment rights and people see no problem with it, we’re pretty far down the road. I’ll get a weeny tag for this from the usual suspects, but that’s ok. You younger guys don’t know what you’ve lost.
  3. Gov. Charlie Baker’s office issued a statement on Thursday night saying the governor welcomed the new health guidelines from the CDC and would be “updating Massachusetts’ COVID restrictions in the near future.” Same thing he said when the CDC got rid of outdoor guidance. Within 2 weeks, he lifted it. He’ll lift it after Memorial Day.
  4. It wouldn’t be a false positive in the standard sense. The amount of viral load is probably so small they’re either not sick, have the sniffles, and/or aren’t contagious to anyone. We need to stop testing healthy, non symptomatic people.
  5. People who say they don’t mind masks probably aren’t sitting in a classroom for 6-7 hours a day, an office cube for 8 hours, or working in a warehouse 8 plus hours a day wearing glasses.
  6. You’ll see a lot of reports of “positive” cases in vaccinated people. Mostly from people who are in routine testing protocols. I’ll say it again. It’s from viral particles in the nose that’s not infectious to them or anyone else. Bill Maher tested positive today as part of routine testing for his show taping. He’s fully vaccinated and he said he feels fine. For all I know I could test positive if I tested everyday. Doesnt mean I’m sick or contagious. This whole PCR testing thing really needs to end.
  7. Just use the scanner for the chip they put in us
  8. I have it in the fire proof safe in the bed room. Have a picture of it on my phone. Papiere, bitte
  9. Bullshit PCR tests that are picking up non infectious RNA or viral particles that found their way in their nose. If I tested 1000 people every day at some point I’d find measles in the nasal cavity. I’m sure they tested positive not because they were sick but as part of the testing regimen they are under. Unless they are actually infected with virus that can be cultured or manifested by them having symptoms, it’s not a breakthrough infection. I don’t know if any of them are actually sick. I’m sure a lot of vaccinated peopje might test “positive” if they tested every day. There’s still a lot of virus circulating.
  10. Eh, not sure he has much choice. He can’t holler “ I follow the science” when it comes to lockdowns and masks but when it changes he no longer follows the science? Its over.
  11. Baker is "cautious" He's a "republican" in a blue state, so he walks a thin line to placate the leftist inside 128, and the communists in Berkshire county, but still try to mollify the conservatives in Worcester county and the south shore.
  12. What's the over/under on Baker rescinding the mask order? He has his time line, I have mine.
  13. Clearly they decided that a carrot and stick approach was needed.
  14. It's over. As Gerald ford said, "Our long national nightmare is over"
  15. Exactly. Its like the Berlin wall just fell. The crowds gathered, people milled around for awhile not knowing what to do, then some dude with a sledge hammer just went for it.
  16. I stopped watching any network show with masks. I get enough of that shyte in real life. I dont need it on my entertainment shows.
  17. My wife went maskless to Walmart today. Sone clerk told her to put on a mask. She told him she had a health issue and that was the end of that.
  18. I’m assuming you’re a fan of modern monetary policy.
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