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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. The CDC has known this kind of thing all along. If a vaccine stops infection, the viral load isn’t enough to transmit it. If little Susie is vaccinated for chicken pox and come in contact with it, she won’t get it. But we don’t make little Susie wear a mask or get tested for it if little Johnnie in her class comes down with chicken pox because little Johnnie isn't vaccinated. Nor do we incessantly test everyone 2 times a week for chicken pox because they might have been exposed. The testing fetish needs to end at this point. The CDC had to change the messaging or there will never be kids back in school unmasked, playing sports etc. Same with getting people back to work instead of cowering in the corner. I have seen and heard people saying the CDC is acting too quick, there’s all these mutants waiting to grab us, etc etc. Same crowd that said we must listen to the CDC when they told us to mask and distance. Now they’ve told them stuff they don’t want to hear and “listen to the science” went out the window.
  2. The CDC said on Friday that testing fully vaxed people as a routine should end. They said it makes for confusion if someone tests positive that are vaxed and asymptomatic. They can’t transmit it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5097358001
  3. I run my boiler year round. That’s my hot water too. April to October I use about 60-70 gallons of oil to keep me in hot water. Pretty efficient way to make hot water.
  4. I turned my central on yesterday afternoon for a few hours. It was 80 upstairs. Don’t really want the pollen in the house either.
  5. gorilla was great. I dont watch it anymore. I took my son to Monday night raw at the garden in 2019 and I didn’t know anyone.
  6. Lol on sgt slaughter. I forgot about him.
  7. I saw George the animal Steele once. We were sitting about 3 rows back and saw him eat the stuffing out of the turnbuckle.
  8. He won’t do that but I’ll bet you he doesn’t lift it until after Memorial Day. Only 337 “positives”cases in mass today.
  9. Good job Larry. Meanwhile Charlie Parker sits in Swampscott and dithers.
  10. I got give you credit for that. I figured it would be longer. I under estimated the political pressure too.
  11. My man Hilts stretched a thin wire across the road about neck high, and when the Nazi's tore through on the bikes, he pulled the wire tight.
  12. You laugh. Dr Ramsay, Director of Immunization at Public Health England, said restrictions such as face coverings in public indoor places and social distancing had become accepted by many and still allowed the economy to function well. She said “people have got used to those lower-level restrictions now, and people can live with them, and the economy can still go on with those less severe restrictions in place.” “So I think certainly for a few years, at least until other parts of the world are as well vaccinated as we are, and the numbers have come down everywhere, that is when we may be able to go very gradually back to a more normal situation,” she added. Glad we don't live there. Classic conditioning
  13. He should do it today, but he hasn't got the sack
  14. That's a good one, but not the scene I had in mind to take care of the hoods on bikes.
  15. Ever seen the Great Escape? Let me know if anyone doesn't get the reference.
  16. Admit it. You troll Dundalk. Just kidding!
  17. Carriers have the connotation they are contagious. Not necessarily so. If the viral load is low enough not to infect the “carrier” there’s most likely not enough to infect anyone else. It’s not typhus, as in Mary.
  18. If your side would have put up an acceptable candidate, that so called demagogue would have never been elected. You could say your crew is more responsible for it than we were.
  19. Yea, what the hell is up with that? I’ve been reading in the paper about these gangs of people tearing around Franklin park.
  20. You should go. There’s a street called Main South that has all kinds of small, self employed business men and women who ply their wares.
  21. There’s a bbq joint right up the road that’s really good. Smokehouse Urban BBQ. Has a great selection of beer too. You can get the small serving, beer tasting thing there too.
  22. Colonial paid 5 mill to the hackers. The line is back up but it will take 5-6 days to get all the stations supplied again.
  23. Not to mention driving thru Kelly Sq was taking your life in your own hands. I just hit the square, didn’t look anybody in the eye and gunned it
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