That's the issue in my mind. was "follow the science" when it suited a particular agenda.
Most MDs and PhD's that I know new exactly what the CDC is saying now. But the corporate media get their news from blue check twitter doctors.
Whether people realize it or nor, we've had a huge experiment with nice controls. Florida and Texas were the control and the null hypothesis turned out to be true. p>0.05.
To me, the number one, overriding thing that cause the mass hysteria, masking, closures, lockdowns and the overall mayhem was the idea of total asymptomatic spread. Was BS then, is BS now. The idea that 40-50% of all cases were being spread by people running around the population totally healthy that didn't know they had it was ludicrous. And any scientist/medical doctor who went along with that notion was/is a dishonest fool.
My biggest regret in all this, beyond keeping business shuttered, beyond the kids on Zoom for a year, was the nursing home carnage. That was a travesty of the highest order. That didn't need to happen on the scale that it did.