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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. Cape is better in Sept for sure. I still have school age kids so we pretty much have to do 3rd week of June to mid August. And the water off the Cape is never warm enough for me!
  2. Never understood the allure. I’ve done the cape rental thing a few times. All but once I’ve had less than desirable weather for the week. Cape wether is too unpredictable to drop that much money. For a beach week, I can drive to NC, do a Sunday to Sunday rental, a Saturday and a Monday on the road. House price is generally cheaper for a bigger house right on the beach with a pool, and I’m pretty much guaranteed a week of warm 80 plus degree weather with sun. Maybe a pop up thunderstorm here and there, but no week long wheel of ‘rhea like I’ve seen here.
  3. Yea, I wanted to watch a game. They probably could have played later this evening. Marlins likely have a shared off day at sone point when they are up this way and they both decided to postpone. Grounds guys probably were glad too. They have a week plus to get things back in shape. Friday nights game wrecked the infield. Sox aren’t back till the 8th.
  4. Red Sox-Marlins game got postponed. No makeup date announced yet.
  5. I did last evening. Flipped the switch on the propane insert in the living room. Didn’t turn the whole system on though, but the bed room last night was dang chilly at 61.
  6. And the ‘rhea continues. 48, breezy and generally miserable.
  7. Hellava way to run a Memorial Day weekend
  8. I may break down and flip on the stove.
  9. We’re stuck at 47. When we were out running errands earlier the temp, wind and sheet drizzle was an abomination. Just awful.
  10. That tells me the R0 is substantially below 1.
  11. I think this is where my company is. The email we got alluded to the number of unvaccinated was still a little high. But the email was to the entire US work force. Im saying a novena they’ll be gone in another month. Im tired of my glasses fogging up in the lab. Although lately we all wear them under our chin unless EHS shows up. Im also tired of having lab meeting via Teams.
  12. Home Depot in Oxford was 70/30. 70 WITHOUT! I was pretty shocked. Even most employees didn’t have them on. It was sure nice to actually see people’s faces again.
  13. Checking out at Market 32. 70/30 here as well. Still masked in parking lot too. Next stop…Hone Depot.
  14. Yes. I know several people who want to keep the masking and restrictions in place because of that. Every time a new variant is identified one guy I know had a come apart. His newest fear is a Vietnamese variant. He’s petrified.
  15. I don’t care if I’m the only one. I’m never putting one on again unless I’m at work or on a plane.
  16. My wife needs to go to Market 32 in a bit. I’ll ask her what she sees and report back. We all need to do field reports
  17. Ok. I will. We’ll see. All I know is the number of people wearing masks outside is 80%. And outdoor mandates have been gone for a month.
  18. Fear and conditioning. People further south have a more independent streak and are more wary of the government.
  19. Maybe in Maryland. Here in southern New England they’ll be some masked up this time next year.
  20. Well, I took a vacation day yesterday and went to Providence Place Mall. Rhode Island has been mask free indoors for nearly 2 weeks. I bet I saw less than 20 people in my 2 hours there that were maskless (other than seated at the food court). It’ll take at least 6 months to see a majority without them. I still see 80% wearing them outdoors in Boston and Cambridge.
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