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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Only had .17" yesterday. Once again we miss out on good T-storms even though they were highly predicted. That makes 2 Fridays in a row. Much cooler today. Currently 74/45. Interesting note: My back yard has yet to have a good thunderstorm this year. By good Thunderstorm I mean strong winds, torrential rain, and lightning strikes nearby.
  2. Hit a high of 88 yesterday. Currently 80/66. Had a brief shower this morning as a storm past to my east.
  3. Shooting for 90 today. Currently 86/59.
  4. 86/66 currently. Getting warm and bit humid out for April.
  5. Warming up today, currently 79/58.
  6. Another beautiful day here. After a low of 50 it is currently 72/52.
  7. I would be more than happy not to see 90's until June but I won't hold my breath.
  8. Wind back off and after a sunny morning, clouds have moved it and cooled us down a bit. Currently 64/49.
  9. .51" total from yesterday and this morning. Nothing severe at all. Beautiful day today but a bit windy. Windows are open. 69/44
  10. Currently 78/71 and windy. No rain yet.
  11. Sunny and warm, 87/64. Windy too.
  12. I have a question. My wife and I are heading to Colorado for a vacation this summer. We would go either in July or late August/early Sept. Airline tickets are much cheaper for the later than in July by several hundred dollars. Thing is I am now deftly worried about Hurricanes after last year but we so want to go. I know the fear is pretty much unfounded since the chance of getting a storm in any given year is slim but would you go and not worry about storms?
  13. Low of 47 this morning. house cooled down from 74 to 67 with only a few windows opened all night. Currently 65/39. Love this weather.
  14. .10" with the cold front. What a gorgeous day today, Too bad I have to go to work today. Currently 74/50 but pretty windy out.
  15. Warm, muggy, and windy out. Currently 79/71.
  16. .30" so far today. Just a light to moderate steady rain. Currently 70/69. Ended up with .74".
  17. Beautiful day here today. Dew points are way down from the last few days. Currently 73/49.
  18. .25" was all we could muster. Currently 73/68.
  19. Hit a high of 85/71 today. Very humid out. Currently 77/66 with no sign of rain.
  20. Rain is having a hard time moistening up the atmosphere here. Been spitting for the past 4 hours. Currently 67/57.
  21. Warming up nicely here. Currently 74/53. Warmest day since Sunday.
  22. Ended up with .95" of much needed rain. All the pollen was washed away and the trees, plants and grasses got a much needed soaking. After 2 days in the high's in the 40's and after a low of 35 this morning, we are warming up. Currently 63/47.
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