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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. If it survives, that is what it looks like.
  2. Partly cloudy, warm, and humid out there today. Currently 85/74. 9 days till the next strong cooldown.
  3. Dew points have soared today. Currently 88/73.
  4. What really amazed me was the number of sightseers clogging up the roads the day after.
  5. Low of 60, currently 83/65 and sunny.
  6. Low of 56 this morning. Temp and dew points are up today, currently 78/63.
  7. 59 for a low. Nice walk with the pups this morning. Currently 73/60.
  8. 23 days in a row! Wow, not looking like anyone will get any rain for the next 2 weeks either.
  9. I was hoping for the 50's here but we did drop down to 60 which was real nice. Currently breezy and a very pleasant 73/58. Too bad ragweed pollen is out or I would be outside more.
  10. Finally, the cool air has arrived. Currently a very pleasant 76/60 and breezy.
  11. Currently 85/73. Where is the cool air?
  12. 87/75. Looking forward to the big cool down this week.
  13. Cloudy this morning but very humid. Currently sunny and 87/75.
  14. Thought I would post this if anyone hasn't seen it yet. What it is like to go through a cat 5 hurricane courtesy of Icyclone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV-PLJq4HD4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0Qma5pIAgFyNq9vEQELhhPXEiY8h1-mmgoJs1mJPdo8dh89v8zu7vCFwM
  15. Temp is down but not the humidity. Currently 83/76.
  16. Hot and humid. 91/78. Hopefully this will be our last visit into the 90's for awhile.
  17. Currently sunny and 83/73. Could be much worse.
  18. Picked up .55" from todays T-storm. Currently a very pleasant 73/71.
  19. Heavy thunderstorm in progress. Temp has dropped to 76/73.
  20. Currently a very warm and humid day here. 89/78.
  21. Saw this on another forum. Two weeks of Dorian from beginning to almost end. https://twitter.com/drkimwood/status/1170450626976899072
  22. Didn't see another Sept. obs so here it is. Currently 88/70 and sunny with light winds.
  23. Lost power at about 3 am according to my neighbor and it just came back on. Minimal damage in our area mostly to Bradford pear trees, no lines down in my area. Recorded 1.52" for a grand total of 3.36". Have no idea about wind gust but due to lack of tree damage I would guess no more than 50 mph. Currently it is 78/71 winds have died down drastically in the last few hours. Probably in the 10-15 mph range with an occasional gust to 20.
  24. Latest radar looks like the eye may be filling in which would mean further weakening. Would be very good news for us.
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