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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. .09" yesterday. Just missed a big storm by less than a mile. Currently hot an humid 88/74.
  2. It feels like July. Currently 84/77.
  3. If it survives, that is what it looks like.
  4. Partly cloudy, warm, and humid out there today. Currently 85/74. 9 days till the next strong cooldown.
  5. Dew points have soared today. Currently 88/73.
  6. What really amazed me was the number of sightseers clogging up the roads the day after.
  7. Low of 60, currently 83/65 and sunny.
  8. Low of 56 this morning. Temp and dew points are up today, currently 78/63.
  9. 59 for a low. Nice walk with the pups this morning. Currently 73/60.
  10. 23 days in a row! Wow, not looking like anyone will get any rain for the next 2 weeks either.
  11. I was hoping for the 50's here but we did drop down to 60 which was real nice. Currently breezy and a very pleasant 73/58. Too bad ragweed pollen is out or I would be outside more.
  12. Finally, the cool air has arrived. Currently a very pleasant 76/60 and breezy.
  13. Currently 85/73. Where is the cool air?
  14. 87/75. Looking forward to the big cool down this week.
  15. Cloudy this morning but very humid. Currently sunny and 87/75.
  16. Thought I would post this if anyone hasn't seen it yet. What it is like to go through a cat 5 hurricane courtesy of Icyclone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV-PLJq4HD4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0Qma5pIAgFyNq9vEQELhhPXEiY8h1-mmgoJs1mJPdo8dh89v8zu7vCFwM
  17. Temp is down but not the humidity. Currently 83/76.
  18. Hot and humid. 91/78. Hopefully this will be our last visit into the 90's for awhile.
  19. Currently sunny and 83/73. Could be much worse.
  20. Picked up .55" from todays T-storm. Currently a very pleasant 73/71.
  21. Heavy thunderstorm in progress. Temp has dropped to 76/73.
  22. Currently a very warm and humid day here. 89/78.
  23. Saw this on another forum. Two weeks of Dorian from beginning to almost end. https://twitter.com/drkimwood/status/1170450626976899072
  24. Didn't see another Sept. obs so here it is. Currently 88/70 and sunny with light winds.
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