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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Another hot and humid day for us. Currently 90/81. HI at 109.
  2. I hope it remains that way for the rest of the year.
  3. That would be awesome so I highly doubt it would happen. Even with the rain this past Saturday we never got below the mid 70's.
  4. Absolutely miserable out there right now. Currently 94/83. HI at 119.
  5. Picked up another .41" this morning. This brings my 4 day total to 2.49" of badly needed rain. Lots like the next 4 days will give us a chance to dry out. Currently 83/78.
  6. Another big win for today in the rain department. .76" of a good soaking rain once again. Temp quickly fell from the mid 80's to the mid 70's once the rain started a bit after 12 and stayed there the rest of the day.
  7. Picked up .61" yesterday in a good steady soaking rain and it is now raining again.
  8. .72" yesterday afternoon from a very heavy thunderstorm. Currently raining and 80/77.
  9. We went from 90% down to 50% today. Cut my grass just in case. Currently 91/80. yep it is humid out.
  10. Can you post links, I can't find anything.
  11. Nice cool down predicted for next weekend beginning Thursday. Highs low to mid 80's and lows near 70.
  12. Had a severe thunderstorm warning today and managed to pick up .60" from it. No wind or hail but lots of close lightning strikes. This gives us 2.40" for the week. Every thing is greening up.
  13. Saw on the FB today that New Bern has already doubled it's normal number of 90+ high temps for the year and it is not even mid August yet.
  14. Sunny and hot today. Currently 94/72.
  15. Picked up 1.02" yesterday. Big win for us. Unfortunately a house down the street from me got hit by lightning and was pretty much destroyed.
  16. Incredible light show to my nothwest and west. Severe T-storm warning for my area. Will see if storms hold together.
  17. Thunderstorm in progress. Woohooo, we do need the rain. Unfortunately the heaviest of it past to my south and east. Did manage to pick up .31" from it. And it definitely cooled it off. Currently 72/69
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_wave
  19. Had a nice soaking rain yesterday. Totaled .68". Currently 82/73.
  20. Finally getting rained on. .28" so far today with light to moderate rain currently. 75/73.
  21. We typically don't see low 70's and 50's at night until mid October.
  22. Hot and humid today. Currently 93/77.
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