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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Currently sunny and 83/73. Could be much worse.
  2. Picked up .55" from todays T-storm. Currently a very pleasant 73/71.
  3. Heavy thunderstorm in progress. Temp has dropped to 76/73.
  4. Currently a very warm and humid day here. 89/78.
  5. Saw this on another forum. Two weeks of Dorian from beginning to almost end. https://twitter.com/drkimwood/status/1170450626976899072
  6. Didn't see another Sept. obs so here it is. Currently 88/70 and sunny with light winds.
  7. Lost power at about 3 am according to my neighbor and it just came back on. Minimal damage in our area mostly to Bradford pear trees, no lines down in my area. Recorded 1.52" for a grand total of 3.36". Have no idea about wind gust but due to lack of tree damage I would guess no more than 50 mph. Currently it is 78/71 winds have died down drastically in the last few hours. Probably in the 10-15 mph range with an occasional gust to 20.
  8. Latest radar looks like the eye may be filling in which would mean further weakening. Would be very good news for us.
  9. Nice long break from the rain. Picked up 1.63". Winds are from the southeast at probably 20 to 30 mph.
  10. We are looking towards the foothills of NC. Anywhere from Morganton to Mt Airy. We want to stay in NC but I would have no issue with southwestern Va. Having a nice break from the rain. Took the pups for a walk. Winds are from the southeast at about 20 to 30mph.
  11. Thanks, yes it will be. Not at all happy to go thru another one of these so close to Florence. Wife has now agreed to move after I retire next year.
  12. Up to 1.48" now. Getting windy.
  13. I am about 10 miles southeast of Downtown New Bern. That cell that produced that tornado went thru my area first with just heavy rain little wind. Phone warnings have been going crazy this afternoon.
  14. Got real dark out for a bit then very heavy rain but little wind. Up to .70" for today.
  15. To those who follow Josh Morgerman AKA Icyclone on FB, he has survived Dorian. https://knnp.tv/2019/09/03/josh-morgerman-icyclone-has-survived-hurricane-dorian/?fbclid=IwAR37H4PLF55cGKVVedUMDWE2WX7lnMqne7DoBh6S4WjVgCxYkIT5gNUFN5o
  16. Very humid here today. Currently 82/79 but only .20" so far today.
  17. We have decided to come home tomorrow from our trip, cutting it short by 2 days. Luckily the airline has allowed us to change our flight at no charge due to Dorian. Thursday is going to be busy since we have no food or gas for the generator. Hopefully it will either miss us big time or weaken as it comes up the coast and not be a big issue.
  18. Am sick to my stomach watching Dorian. We are still in Colorado but have our 3 pups at home. Not sure what to do. It will cost us $400 to change our flight to an earlier day if needed but the way models are changing daily, just don't know.
  19. Heading to Colorado tomorrow for some camping, hiking, and hopefully tagging a few 14'ers. Fun times are a coming!
  20. Low of 68. Gusty winds made it feel cooler. Currently 80/71.
  21. Breezy, cloudy, with occasional drizzle 76/71.
  22. Picked up .26" today which has put me over the 6" mark for the first time this year.
  23. .05" yesterday. Cloudy and much cooler today but dew point is still up but not too bad. Currently 75/72. 80% chance of afternoon storms. We will see.
  24. .05" yesterday. Currently 91/79. Hopefully this will be our last 90+ day for a few weeks. Looking forward to the cooldown.
  25. Had some good thunder yesterday afternoon but only .02" fell. Currently 92/78. The heat and humidity continues.
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