.29" this morning. Our 1st rain in 2 weeks. Heaviest of the rain stayed to my south and west. Currently a very pleasant 73/65.
Picked up an additional .16" with an afternoon shower giving me .46" for the day.
Hit a high of 89. I had to look back and noticed that back in March I did hit 90 once. Looks like I will get another chance Saturday to hit 90. Hopefully we won't.
Sunny and warm, waiting on the dry air to come. Currently 77/64.
Monthly stats:
Highest temp: 88
Lowest Temp: 42
Highest dew point: 78
Lowest dew point: 31
Rainfall 8.48"
Just picked up another .73" which gives me 1.78" for the day and 8.39" for the month and with an 80% chance of rain tomorrow, will I hit 9" for the month.
Edit: Ended up with 1.87" for the day.
On and off rain today. Rains hard for a few and then sun comes out. Rinse and repeat. .27" so far. 74/72.
Had a very heavy storm come thru. It dropped an additional .77" on us for a total of 1.04" which has pushed me to 7.65" for the month.