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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Picked up an additional .08" this morning. Low of 45. Currently 47/46 and cloudy.
  2. I have lived here since 1996 and before that in Virginia Beach since 1973 and have never had a white Christmas. Missed it in 1989 by 50 miles and by a few hours in 2010. Still hoping that one year I will see it but never hold my breath for it.
  3. Rain moved in after I walked the pups thankfully. Has a low of 34 and currently 45/44 and steady rain. EDIT: Ended the day with .79". High temp was only 47.
  4. Yep, usually takes either a stationary front to our south with a low sliding along it or a Northeaster off the coast with cold air in place.
  5. Anyone remember the Christmas of 1989? I lived in Va Beach and it got down to 11 Christmas morning. Where I live now got hammered by a foot of snow and temps down below zero. Coldest morning ever here. https://www.weather.gov/ilm/ChristmasSnow1989
  6. If we can't have snow, cold would be the next best thing for Christmas.
  7. 2 days later and only about an inch or 2. It will disappear next run.
  8. 1.04" total today along with a rare December Tornado warning. Fun day. Still 54/52.
  9. We all would! A dream forecast.
  10. Tornado Warning for us. Radar indicated moving between Havelock and New Bern. Cell is just to the southeast of me. Lots of thunder and moderate rain here now.
  11. .09" so far this morning. Has warmed up from a low of 43 to 55/54 at 11:30 am. EDIT: Am now hearing thunder. Does that mean snow in 10 days? Hmmmmm
  12. Low of 34, high of 50 already. Currently 48/39 and cloudy.
  13. No thunder but did get .32" for the line of storms that moved thru. Temp dropped 10 degrees in about 10 minutes after the front moved thru. Currently sitting at 54/51. Had a high earlier of 71.
  14. .87" this morning. Currently 68/65.
  15. LOL, I'll take the 1.9" for my area. That is 2 to 3 times what we got last winter.
  16. The last time I hit 25 or lower was Dec 20, 2019. Doesn't look promising to tie or break that for the rest of the year.
  17. Low of 30. Currently 44/28 with a cold wind.
  18. Picked up .13" this morning. Currently it is 51/49.
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