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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. The last time I hit 25 or lower was Dec 20, 2019. Doesn't look promising to tie or break that for the rest of the year.
  2. Low of 30. Currently 44/28 with a cold wind.
  3. Picked up .13" this morning. Currently it is 51/49.
  4. .35" overnight in the bucket. Currently 55/43 and breezy.
  5. Heat is on for today only looks like, currently it is 70/57 after a high of 72 earlier.
  6. Wait until the 1st big snow fall prediction for us and it will light up.
  7. Well with the very active Hurricane season I think most of us were in the main tropical page and now with the holidays around, people have other things to do plus the weather has been pretty benign lately.
  8. Nice heavy frost and freeze. Started the morning at 28. Currently 58/40.
  9. Finally got our first freeze. Low this morning of 30. Currently 48/31. Expected down into the 20's tonight.
  10. Morning low of 42. Currently a cool 51/34 and breezy.
  11. End of month stats: Highest temp: 79 Lowest temp: 34 Highest dew point: 70 Lowest dew point 23 Rainfall: 7.38" which brings me up to 56.53" for the year.
  12. 1.57" as of this morning. Winds are really gusting now. Probably easily in the 30 mph+ range. Currently 73/69.
  13. .02" this morning. Low of 60, high of 72. Currently 62/60.
  14. Very warm Thanksgiving Day here. Currently 75/66. Picked up .27" this morning. Our 1st rain in 15 days.
  15. Low 40, high is our current temp of 66 at 9:30 pm.
  16. Picked up a measly .03" yesterday. All the heavy rain stayed to our east. Currently 64/57.
  17. My wife and I are hoping to move to the foothills early next year. Anywhere from Morganton to Mt Airy.
  18. 10 days since our last rainfall. Currently at high noon it is 69/60.
  19. Inland most likely but not in mby. I hit 34.
  20. This may be the 1st November in quite a while that we didn't have a freeze. Don't see anything in the near future to change that. Depressing.
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