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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Had a severe thunderstorm warning for my area but only had heavy rain. No hail, no high winds. Did get very dark though.
  2. Severe Thunderstorm Watch in effect for us southeastern counties all the way to Cape Hatteras.
  3. Picked up .46" overnight and an additional .18" this morning. This puts me at 6.28" for the month.
  4. Remained cloudy most of the day. High was 82 after a low of 69. Dew points were a bit down too. Felt good for a change.
  5. Well it looks like the NWS really blew the forecast today. Had a 100% chance of heavy thunderstorms today and so far it has been sunny with a few clouds here and there. I know of several festivals that were cancelled due to the forecast.
  6. Finished the day with .26". Month now up to 5.64". Went from mild drought to being waterlogged in a week.
  7. Picked up .06" from a brief shower. Sun came out and the dew point shot up from 75 to 80. Currently 86/79.
  8. Picked up an additional .19" very early this morning. Month now up to 5.57". Only one month this year has been higher. That was February.
  9. 1.18" so far today from 2 separate storms with 3rd storm approaching. First storm dumped .75", 2nd dropped .43. We will see what this next line of storms does. Currently 72/71. EDIT: Third storm dropped .58" giving a daily total of 1.76". Month total 5.38" and it is only the 10th.
  10. Finished up with .82" for the day. I now have more rain this month than the last 2 combined. My 3 day total is 1.55".
  11. Thunderstorm #2 for the day. First one dropped .54" and pouring again. Love the sound of heavy rain.
  12. Picked up .21" in a brief but very heavy downpour. Was out walking my Husky when it hit. Nothing showed on radar when we left and sky didn't look threatening at all. Rain popped up 10 minutes after we left the house and we both got soaked. Wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last time we get caught by heavy rain. This puts me at 2.80" for the month.
  13. Picked up .52" today. .24" from the main storm and another .28 from the steady rain afterward. With the exception of the humidity, it has been a good day for us.
  14. Nice thunderstorm in progress. Dropped temp from 87 to our current 77.
  15. Missed a good storm by a few miles but managed to get .01" from the edge of it. Low of 72, high of 90.
  16. Not only that but the humidity has skyrocketed. Just before noon it is 86/79 here with humidity at 80%. Can we say it feels soupy out!
  17. With those high totals I guess we will be seeing some river flooding from the Nuese, Tar, and Swift creek this coming week.
  18. Picked up an additional .66" this morning bringing our 2 day total to 1.83". A big win for us after 2 months of lackluster rainfall.
  19. The rain axis finally moved into my area. Picked up .65" this evening giving me a total of .80" so far today. First time above .50" since May 12.
  20. Only .17" overnight and it looks like the main batch of rain is setting up just to the west of us once again. Looks like a dry day for us. Hopefully it shifts eastward tonight. Currently 78/74.
  21. Awesome, only .15" here so far today as most of the rain stayed to my west.
  22. New month, new obs start here. Low of 55, what a great way to start the month.
  23. Low of 55.Absolutely beautiful morning. Cool breeze and no signs of humidity. Currently 66/55. May be our last night into the 50's until October. Hope not but hard to get 50's in June. Monthly stats: Highest temp: 93 Lowest temp: 44 Highest dew point: 77 Lowest dew point: 34 Rainfall: 1.74"
  24. Had a high of 66 just after midnight. Day time high was 61. Low is our current temp of 59.
  25. Picked up .22" this morning with the heavier rain passing to my east. Quite a change from yesterday temp wise. Currently at 12:20 pm it is only 61and breezy. Had to wear a coat this morning while walking my pups.
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