It says I am 14 points from becoming a rookie. How do you get points? After 7 years and over 3K posts, why am I still a newbie? Enquiring minds want to know.
Woohoo, I just earned my 1 year badge even though I have been a member since 2014. Am I working for the government again? And I just earned my Posting Machine badge. Double woohoo. So when do I become a Rookie?
Sunny hot and humid today. Currently 90/77.
End of month stats:
Highest temp - 92
Lowest temp - 55
Highest dew point - 83
Lowest dew point - 53
Rainfall - 9.09"
Yearly rainfall so far - 27.34"
Got my 1st shot Thursday and my shoulder has hurt like hell ever since. Wakes me up every time I turn on it. Still tender to the touch today. My wife's shoulder hurt a little on Friday and but is fine now.
Ended up with .40" for the day yesterday from 4 different rainfalls. Beautiful late June day here. Currently 77/65. If it was cloudy it would be even better.
Picked up .08" this morning and .09" so far this afternoon. The .09" came from the edge of a massive storm that passed just to my east. That puts me at 7.99" for the month.
Hit 91 today and with the dew point in the mid 70's and a stiff, hot breeze, felt really miserable out there. Currently it has cooled down a bit and is now 85/73.