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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Big storm complex moved thru our area this morning. Picked up 1.43" from it. That pushes my monthly total to 12.29". That is the most I have ever recorded for a month outside of tropical systems.
  2. Had a nice storm come thru. Dropped .42" into the bucket and dropped temp from 89 to 74. This pushes my monthly total to 10.8" with 11 days left.
  3. Had a high of 93 today. Had a good sized storm just miss us this afternoon but we were close enough to get the outflow from it. Dropped the temp from 91 to 76 and it stayed there the rest of the afternoon. I was able to get out and cut the grass in somewhat comfortable conditions for mid July.
  4. Picked up a total of .58" from multiple rainstorms today. That puts me at 10.37" for the month.
  5. Lots of thunder but only .03". Most of the storm stayed to my immediate southeast.
  6. Picked up .49" this morning between 7 and 8 am and then an additional .85" from 9 am till just after 12:00. This additional rain gives me 9.68" for the month.
  7. I ended up getting the Ambient weather ws2902C and love it. I had a little issue getting it up on my phone but it was a breeze to set up. Seems accurate. Some of their models are currently on sale on Amazon for 20-25% off.
  8. Stayed comfortable most of the day until the sun came out around 3 pm. Then the temp and humidity shot up. Ended up with a high of 86 and dew point to 73.
  9. Surprising low of 66 this morning. Felt good out there during my morning dog walk. Wish this weather would stick around for a while.
  10. Had a high today of only 76. Remain cloudy and breezy all day with some off and on sprinkles that added .04 to our daily total.
  11. Ended up with 3.33" in 90 minutes last night. Plus .37" this morning puts me at 7.61" for the month.
  12. Day 2 of heavy rain. Already at 1.00" since it started about 30 minutes ago. Edit: up to 2.00" now and still pouring.
  13. Looks wet but I highly doubt it will be a rain out every day. Most likely you will see afternoon and evening thunderstorms daily.
  14. Finally getting our big storm right now. Absolutely pouring and at .89" and climbing today. Edit: looks like the rain has finally ended even though we are still getting lots of thunder. Gauge is at 2.40" for the day. Areas just to the west of me have picked up over 3.50".
  15. Lots of thunder this afternoon but only .11 in the rain bucket.
  16. It was extremely soupy here yesterday and into night fall. Yesterday evening was only the 2nd evening this year that I haven't been able to walk the pups due to the heat and humidity.
  17. Picked up .33" very early this morning. Hoping for more tonight and tomorrow.
  18. Had a high of 95. currently it is miserable 90/79 for a HI of 107.
  19. Woohoo, our first decent rain today. Picked up .45" in a surprise T-storm. Had a 20% chance today. Went from 93 to our current temp of 78.
  20. Picked up a measly .34" yesterday. .25" with the 1st storm and .09" with the second. Looks like we will have to wait until Wednesday for another chance.
  21. Had a high today of 96. Currently it is cloudy and 87/77. HI of 98 and it sure feels like it. No rain so far but there are storms popping to our northwest.
  22. Picked up .17" yesterday thanks to mighty Tropical Storm Colin. LOL
  23. Clouds kept temps down but also kept storms away. No rain despite an 80% chance. High of 83 after a low of 71.
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