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    Winston-Salem, NC

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  1. I think this is key. When we point to winter events from 30+ years ago as an example that such a storm could occur in our region, we're sidestepping the fact that we don't live in the climate from way back then anymore.
  2. I wonder though how much warmer Atlantic SST actually help for snowstorms south of northern and central VA. Our forecast tools are much better now than during the time periods you mentioned.
  3. The climate trends our not our friends for those us east of the high terrain. Fingers crossed though!
  4. Finished with 0.5" in SW Winston-Salem. I was basically expecting zip, so I'm glad I got to see some more snow. Congrats to all y'all south and east seeing much more than y'all typically do!
  5. 3.5" of snow and sleet in SW Winston-Salem. Currently some very light freezing drizzle. 27.5F
  6. 22.8F, very blustery, ~2" of dense sleet and snow in SW Winston-Salem.
  7. 21.7/18.2 now almost all sleet. SW Winston-Salem. ~1.5" of snow before the changeover.
  8. Almost 3” in SW Winston-Salem. Still snowing heavily.
  9. That and the soil in most places is very saturated.
  10. Here in SW Winston-Salem, just south of 40, while we did dip below freezing last night, it wasn’t enough to cause issues. Everything here was just wet with no noticeable ice on trees or surfaces.
  11. Charlotte reported a gust to 58mph at 9:25am.
  12. Euro gust maps tend to be quite overdone. Is the same true for GFS ones?
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