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Roger Ramjet

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Everything posted by Roger Ramjet

  1. Another dud for me. .05" from that line.
  2. What was the dewpoint? I remember walking out of my shop just before it hit and the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
  3. Barely enough to wet the ground let alone measure.
  4. Very windy here in extreme northwestern Loudoun. Lost power about a half hour ago.
  5. I agree. What are we seeing for the remnants of Beryl?
  6. Yup, that's the front. Has already cleared extreme northwest corner of Loudoun. Humidity is already dropping.
  7. 1.0" of much needed rain since last night.
  8. A truly eloquent response to a stupid question. I appreciate your professionalism.
  9. We need rain, period!! I like severe weather, but whatever solution produces the most rain is the model I will hugging!!
  10. Your in a boat all by yourself!
  11. 1.1" last night and today. Currently 48 degrees.
  12. Are you for real! Today was a yard workers dream. No nats in my face and temps I can only dream of in the middle of summer!!
  13. If you were carrying hazardous materials you cannot use the tunnels and the key bridge was the alternative route. They will rebuild the bridge and not go for another tunnel for this reason.
  14. 1.65" for the event. Another overperformer.
  15. Wow, that strike was really close. 36 here also.
  16. Thunder & Lightning and now the ground is covered with pea-sized hail.
  17. Heavy snow squall in western Loudoun.
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