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Everything posted by CCHurricane

  1. Will you be sending in a report? Around 16-17” here in Barnstable. That decent band between 4:30-5:30 seemed to curl over us which likely lead to an additional inch or two relative to you.
  2. Looks like no new reports came in to update Cape Cod totals which is a bit disappointing. Guess the NWS can only state what’s reported, but the 12” and 13” totals were measured with 3-5 hours of our best snow growth still to come. Likely ended up with 16-20” down here.
  3. Will be interesting to see how NWS Boston handles their final snow map. 2 of the 3 reported Cape Cod numbers are definitively before the best returns of the day occurred, where I’d expect another 3-6” was added. Solid recovery for a storm that had a difficult start down here due to temps.
  4. Probably around 18” here in Barnstable (Cape Cod). Drifty picture for full effect.
  5. Thank Worcester band just won’t quit. Gotta think that’s +1”/hour stuff too based on radar.
  6. 16-20” here on Cape Cod (upper and middle Cape), these last 4 hours have done wonders.
  7. OES starting to appear for Cape Cod. Keep it coming, need to make up for lost time early this AM.
  8. 100%...That band before was 3-4” an hour easy.
  9. That band was reminiscent of Jan 2005. Congrats to those that experienced that for hours today!
  10. By FAR the heaviest stuff of the day here in Barnstable (Cape Cod). Finally under a heavy band, and with temps now at 25°F and this wind...complete whiteout. No more than 200-300ft visibility. Time to stack up some snow!
  11. Reinforcements just continue to rotate through. Cape Cap may finally get its own band here too.
  12. Oh for sure, we’ll be in this moderate stuff for a while, but the stuff on the other side of the Canal is the good stuff. At these temps, wouldn’t doubt 2-4” an hour.
  13. The Canal acting as Gandolf the Grey for Cape Cod getting in on the goodies. ”You shall not pass!”
  14. Unfortunately that’s not up to us. The records are the records as deemed by the NWS. For better or worse!
  15. Usually need to look at 2-day totals for Boston given how the measurements can occur across two days. 24.5” would be needed to get Boston into top 5 territory. 27.7” the all time record.
  16. Closer to the canal the better your chances are. As long as these bands don’t completely collapse I like our chances of getting to 16-18”. Not sure how anyone will reasonably measure though, haha. A shame we wasted probably 3/4 inch of precip at >32°F and poor ratios.
  17. Cape radar is also improving by the minute. Should be back into decent snow growth mode across mid and upper Cape with temps continuing to fall @ 26°F
  18. A little further east of you in Barnstable I’m measuring ranges of 8-10”. Bottom 2 inches is hard mush.
  19. Looks like the tug east is occurring as we speak. Radar south of Long Island showing the eastward move… What could have been!
  20. Wish that most recent band didn’t pulse itself out of existence, but most are without power down here. Winds gusting 60-70, visibility less than 1/10th under those heavier radar signatures.
  21. Complete whiteout here in Barnstable. Visibility less than 500 feet and temperature continues to drop. Down to 30°. Impossible to measure with drifting, but likely 6-8” OTG.
  22. Wet snows overnight here on Cape completely covered trees and power lines with heavy frozen paste. Temperature continues to drop, down to 31, with winds gusting 60-70mph.
  23. Current file size limitations make it extremely difficult to load any sort of videos. I used to convert videos to gifs which are great to view here, but those file sizes are too large for the available upload capacity.
  24. Temp down to 32 here in Hyannis, lost power about an hour ago. Davis Weather Station anemometer frozen solid and no longer spinning despite 50mph gusts…will head outside and try and hit with a snowball. Snow growth has materially improved over the past two hours, visibility non existent. Difficult to measure but I’d say ~4” OTG.
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