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About TSG

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Charlottesville, VA

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  1. It's not meshing well with his holiday vacation plans in the stratosphere
  2. it's over. shit the blinds
  3. Your constant disappointment would disappear if you stopped equating day 7-10 GFS output with official guidance from a government agency. The last time it showed any significant snowstorm for our area this weekend was 06z 11/30
  4. I'm loving this cold. We didn't even make it to 40 down here in Charlottesville. CHO topped out at 39 around noon before the clouds rolled in and we're back down to 37 now.
  5. Thanks for the clarification. By "bumpers" I meant the literal way the physics are implemented in the model, such as removing/correcting for known biases based on analysis of prior versions of a model.
  6. Speaking from a high level here as I only casually understand the inner workings of NWP models, but the main reason is it's a physical model rolling forward based on it's own predictions. A small error made in the first few days could easily lead to downstream effects that blow up to "super rare scenarios" by day 10+. "A goat fart is incorrectly modeled in Mongolia and that causes the PV to drop into NY 12 days later" as an over the top example. You can design the system with "bumpers" to try to keep it in reality, but too much limitation and you remove its usefulness as a forecasting tool if it essentially only ever shows "climo".
  7. Pretty sure I saw a few mangled flakes in Falls Church about 15 mins ago.
  8. Stuck at ~43 with constant light/moderate rain since 10am in Charlottesville. It hasn't looked much past 7am here all day. I'm kind of enjoying it after what we had last week
  9. The dewpoint almost hit 60 in Charlottesville . It felt like late August at lunch.
  10. So what? Do you just 100% believe every headline you see? You should be angry at Ji for posting a false statement with zero evidence, not me. And then be angry with yourself for putting in zero effort to verify the validity of that statement before going off on this insane tangent
  11. The guy is still working there you ding dong! He's changing roles. You are literally making things up in your head to fit a certain narrative. And common sense would tell us a move like this would have been in the works well before last week
  12. You make an accusation you have no evidence for, and then, because you know what you're posting is gossip level BS, you throw in a garbage "apology" as some kind of cover-your-ass move. What in the world are you smoking dude? Would you say this garbage to the face of your "onetime friend"?
  13. It doesn't need to be defended. The multitude of times it's been discussed has provided plenty of evidence that it's accurate to its local environment. The issue is people not understanding what that local environment consists of and causes in terms of microclimates. All you have to do is look at the dewpoints to see the river influence. Low dews last night: IAD - 28 BWI - 30 DCA - 37
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