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Everything posted by paulythegun

  1. Aside from a few wobbles, pretty consistent
  2. Comparing yesterday and today's 12z euro. The trailing piece of energy is later. Euro
  3. That trailing piece of energy hasn't really showed up in since yesterday 12z. Caught up with the main vort and slowed it down yesterday. Gonna be tough to replicate that. 12z yesterday vs 12z today:
  4. In case anyone still cares, the euro has trended EVEN WEAKER with the sw thursday.
  5. Started reading this forum again today after DCA surpassed climo snow amounts (BARELY) on eps for 3 straight days. And I haven’t been around much, but I feel like there was more bullying of weenies in the past. mocking them helped create the space for a serious discussion of the upcoming storm threats by experts and hobbyists with smart questions. And it helped the weenies participate with good posts, because they feared being mocked. Anyway! Best not to overthink these things. Meta forum discussions suck. But this still is a smart forum, and a bit of heavy-handed moderation in the substantive topics might not hurt!
  6. Get that bad euro taste out of your mouth, friends!
  7. from last night's EPS, but worth it
  8. love that people are getting excited about a snowmap that's right around climo
  9. Flakes flying by sideways like Phillip Rivers' throwing motion
  10. Roads giving way like a chargers punt returner
  11. It's been so long since I've seen snow...i'd forgotten that it was white. I thought it was purple with blue around the edges
  12. yeah i'm deeply ashamed of doing that. amateur hour. Anyway, here's the latest CRAS
  13. Unlike weatherbell, they can be shared freely as long as it's not commercial use. wait - no i'm wrong.
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