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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. No idea how much we got, but it's deep 15"+, and heavy....Freezing drizzle right now.... It's going to be a tough clean up.
  2. https://scontent-bos3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/145739866_10224328530977590_5508415565035276666_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=csr_ux5aVcQAX8mVzX4&_nc_oc=AQkUPZtL2dXaoKmFqyIvYUffouaIDQ2qoKYK1UOZ1lQN-WOuhgunfoxkSrUpTqGiHnUShNqZaHxStMbaqkgZBNcy&_nc_ht=scontent-bos3-1.xx&oh=b2390b6110c87cdeebb1e1f41ef52f70&oe=604036B3
  3. https://scontent-bos3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/145739866_10224328530977590_5508415565035276666_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=csr_ux5aVcQAX8mVzX4&_nc_oc=AQkUPZtL2dXaoKmFqyIvYUffouaIDQ2qoKYK1UOZ1lQN-WOuhgunfoxkSrUpTqGiHnUShNqZaHxStMbaqkgZBNcy&_nc_ht=scontent-bos3-1.xx&oh=b2390b6110c87cdeebb1e1f41ef52f70&oe=604036B3
  4. first inch is on the ground... snowing hard.... 22 f 17F.
  5. Maybe 3-4" of paste.... 32F. Frozen solid this AM. White rain fell all day... marginal temps... never got below 32.
  6. Maybe 3-4" of paste.... 32F. Really an ugly day outside. Nothing pretty about this storm.... still mod snow but with marginal temps it's just crap. Please go away.
  7. Temp down to 33, flipped to snow when we hit 35, but now back to rain.
  8. 36 and mod rain here... no flakes yet, but they're close.
  9. Barely breezy in Mendon, Ma.
  10. Serious thunder and lightning in Mendon, Ma right now. Heavy sleet. I've seen thunder snow here before, but this is a first in 18 years.
  11. That was a brutal cleanup... Temps got above freezing quickly and we started a icy mist that really compacted and weighted the snow down.... 30" snow bower and it still took me 2+ hours to clear the driveway (200 yards)... halfway shot of the driveway...
  12. Everyone around us is reporting 15-16".. I'll measure when I go out to clean up... sounds about right from what my eyeball tells me...
  13. Where the heck did this come from? I went to bed at 12:30 and we had about 2-3" I just got up and there's 13" on my deck... 31F.. still snowing hard... snow is still pretty light and fluffy.
  14. It's been over us most of the day... it shifted west for an hour or two mid day, but came back close to an hour ago. I can hear the limbs breaking in our woods. Several large ones down in out front yard.
  15. 2 miles west of MIlford.. Lots of large branches down. Hard to measure depth because of the drifting. I don't think we're anywhere near 20". That Milford reading is suspect.
  16. I just measured 9" on my front walk. We had a really heavy band move through with another one building in. Stuck at 31/29.
  17. Pouring snow here in Mendon. Temp finally dropped to 31... hopefully it will ease the accumulation on our trees...
  18. 21F less than inch on the ground in Mendon. 20 miles SE of Worcester and it's just about 7PM.... When does this start?
  19. It's the same with many professional degrees right now. Go interview some Law School or Business School Seniors right now and ask them how their employment prospects look. If I was in school right now I'd be studying Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic. Then I'd get an MBA in international finance.
  20. C'mon man. Togue is gross. To get over 10 pounds in Spednic or East Grand a laker is probably 15 - 20 years old and full of all kinds of mercury, PCBs and other logging detritus.....

    Plus they're as fun as catching a rubber boot filled with water.

    Give me a creel full of brookies for breakfast.... then let me go catch smallies all day for fun.

    I go to...

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