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Everything posted by Lookout

  1. That's him, thanks for reminding me. He also posted at the Ga weather forum too. His posts were always fascinating to read and we had some great discussions. Not sure why he stopped posting but at the time, I don't think it was because of health reasons. I think part of the problem was he took things really personally at times unfortunately and he sort of changed. Of course I could be totally wrong about that as I never asked him about his personal life. I think he liked it a lot better too when it was a lot smaller group. I hate we lost him and certainly wish he would resume his posting, assuming he's able to. He was a great poster..and you are absolutely right, he knew nearly the same amount of historical weather as you did...and that is saying something. lol at you saying you are a newbie. 11 years is no noob my friend But yeah, you sure harped on it that damn cold bias back then didn't you? I remember getting annoyed about you harping on that and climo, no matter what the setup was Of course you was right quite a bit of the time and it was always interesting to see who would "win" on a winter event. But of course you are one of the best posters not only in the SE forum but this entire forum... without question. No one and I mean no one can match your research and knowledge in terms of historical weather, climo, etc. I sure hope you don't do a vanishing act too now lol because your knowledge is just amazing. You make the group from Ga proud and you make me proud as well. We are really really lucky to have you now and to have had you for so long.
  2. Except when it comes to nfl football But I've only known him on these boards for what 14 years jeremy? I think it was 1998 or something like that when we first "meet" on wwbb...same for HKY. At the time, along with RW, and the guy from Ga I can't even remember his name, that was pretty much it as far as the SE group(hard to believe our group was so small back then compared to now). There might have been more but At least they are the ones I remember the most but you are talking over a decade and nearly a half ago. (getting old) We are apart of the old guard that's for sure so he absolutely he is one of my favorites. Panthers suck
  3. Jeremy did such a great job on this..absolutely spot on everything... and I'm happy it's been brought back and pinned. Jeremy, you are the man. Noobies/new members, and even members who have been around awhile should read it through several times. It will save you from being warned/punished and save us mods a lot of trouble. And kudos to michelle for bumping it.
  4. Been following this bering sea storm for several days now. I follow alaska weather almost as much as i do here (sometimes more when it's slow) so I read their afds almost every day and I've never seen such strong wording from Fairbanks as I have with this storm (which isn't a surprise given how strong it is). I know this area is notorious for it's big storms and hurricane force gusts are not unusual but Fairbanks mentions in their discussion of winds gusting to 100mph. It amazes me a non tropical low can get to as low as 940 to 945mb with winds that high at the surface. The lowest pressure for an extratropical low btw is 927mb that was recorded at dutch harbor, Ak in 1977. I saw a 86mph wind gust was reported at nome on the news this morning. Also saw a story on the aspects of the storm surge and how the lack of sea ice is expected to allow the storm surge to be higher...as sea ice can diminish the potential storm surge somewhat. Amazing storm, wish I could experience something like that.
  5. I tell you what a big problem is...many people don't think it could happen to them. I don't know how many times I've heard people say "ah, ain't nothing going to happen here". It's maddening to hear this thought process. I bet some of these people didn't think there was a real chance of anything happening to them either so they just shrugged it off. Of course I don't know that for sure but just based on so many people I know thinking like this, I don't see why it wouldn't be prevalent elsewhere.
  6. IIRC, and it's possible I'm mistaken, but I think it was Greg Carbin.
  7. The super outbreak might have covered a larger area but the concentration of so many tornadoes over a smaller area makes this more impressive in some ways. What a horrific year though. Before this outbreak, there was a report on tv there had been 70 billion dollars worth of damage so far this year or that would be the expected number for the season. That number is going to rise obviously.
  8. Just now on fox they had someone from the SPC on and they were comparing this one with the super outbreak they made a very good point..and that is the warning system, communications, and building codes are so much better today than then that for the death toll to be even in shouting distance of the super outbreak is incredible and speaks volumes.
  9. I don't know, fox is doing a good job of it this morning I think...unlike yesterday. CNN on the other hand just keeps wanting to talk about the fooking wedding and politics. MSNBC seems to be covering it the least of all of them. I was absolutely enraged yesterday when all 3 networks were ignoring what was happening. Even while BHM was being demolished they couldn't drag themselves away from the stupid obama birth certificate nonsense and the wedding garbage. But last night I witnessed one of the most maddening things ever in terms of coverage. Local fox station in atlanta would not break away from american fooking idol while there were at least reports at the time of a mile wide tornado heading toward a major city in their viewing area, Rome. And of course this was the same storm/tornado that destroyed tuscaloosa and bhm. Even more disgusting was their own met, ken kook, broke in for about 30 seconds in a little window actually saying the tornado was a mile wide and heading toward rome before going back to idol :axe: I was so angered by this last night I was screaming and cursing them like you wouldn't believe. Absolutely disgusted by it and have sent a very strong complaint into them about it. For all we know some lives were lost because they decided to cover a meaningless pile of sh*t that doesn't mean a damn thing compared to the destruction that was going on. And then of course after idol was over, they were pimping themselves as being the best covering it...when they were the ONLY station not showing constant coverage. I wanted to puke. I have made it my mission to get anyone I can to complain to them. For anyone who is interested, below is their webpage. www.myfoxatlanta.com btw, just to be clear their met, ken kook, is really the only met in atlanta worth anything..indeed he is very very good..which made it more sickening. Obviously this was station managements call, not his, so I don't want to throw him into the fire with them.
  10. lol good post. I've seen some do this here more and more when it doesn't show a solution they like and it's been a bit annoying. Let's say it's the nam for example, I always get a kick out of people who will cream their pants over something it shows if it hammers their backyard but if it's too warm or it doesn't hit them, you instantly get proclamations that it sucks, it's "only the nam", etc, etc. Sure as the sun rises it's going to happen every time. Sometimes it is warranted but often times you see it simply because it doesn't show the most extreme solution or it doesn't hit their backyard hard. You would expect this from some but unfortunately there are some who should know better who do it too.
  11. Damn you have a lot of friends lol

    No wonder though, one of the best mets on the board. :)

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