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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. the number of threes that teams take is basically comical at this point - not everyone is steph curry lol
  2. yep - the athleticism and skill are unreal.
  3. lol gonna blow through 60F. The streak with months hitting at least 60F will likely continue.
  4. KD was basically saying this when he was asked by DC reporters about what he thought of the team when Phoenix was in town. Trust in KD!
  5. temp rising here - 46F now.
  6. High of 54 at DCA, same here.
  7. I would go to see the Wiz play Minnesota just to see Anthony Edwards play.
  8. what the fuck is Leonsis even doing.
  9. lol the Wiz are down 38 and it's not even halftime. Good lord.
  10. DCA high of 51, Tenleytown high of 52. Cold, partially frozen river probably having a small impact.
  11. my best guess is just the delayed onset of winter conditions that we see throughout the northern hemisphere
  12. we had snow on the ground (still do some) for 3 weeks - not too shabby.
  13. rare morning where I stayed warmer than DCA (28 vs 27)
  14. lol it will never get past the Senate.
  15. High of 39 here, 42 at DCA.
  16. Low here was 19. PWS around DCA (both in VA and DC) reported lows of 19-30F. Nothing at all inconsistent with what DCA reported. Do you understand how UHI works?
  17. some crazy little microclimates around here under certain conditions. I found a PWS a little over a mile away near the intersection of River Rd and Willard Ave in Friendship/Bethesda where the low was 8F colder last night (22F vs 14F), and currently it's 19F there while 25F here. I would guess that part of it is proximity to the Wisconsin Ave corridor plus the fact that we are near the top of the "ridge" coming up from the Potomac River valley while locations further down River Rd slope downwards towards the river. We generally have at least a light wind almost always, plus we don't radiate well to begin with. We are even several degrees warmer at night on some nights than PWS that are 5 or 6 blocks away (and about 100 feet lower in elevation).
  18. lol right. Both are pretty frozen anyway. The PWS around DCA on the VA side (South Arlington and Old Town Alexandria) were 39-41 mostly for the high. 37-39F in downtown DC. Some 39-40F readings elsewhere in DC (Capitol Hill, etc).
  19. lol DCA is warm because it's in the middle of a dense urban area. Not sure how many times this has to be explained to you.
  20. DCA got to 41F. High of 37F here. We stayed in the 20s overnight - teens are probably done for a while.
  21. They are supposed to get 200 km/hr winds - looks pretty bad.
  22. been fighting this battle with him for a while - don't expect much logic or evidence to come from that corner
  23. My low was 13 with 95% snowcover. You are absolutely wrong about this.
  24. again you are on about this ridiculous nonsense. DCA is square in the middle of the most urbanized area of the region. KNYC is in the middle of Central Park surrounded by trees for fucks sake and still has an absolutely massive UHI effect. DCA's temp rarely varies significantly from mine inside the District in a more residential (but still urban) area. When I lived downtown (surrounded by mid-rise buildings with a reading from the roof of a 10 story building), it was almost always exactly what DCA reported if not slightly warmer at times (particularly in the summer). DCA's temps today: 31/15 Tenleytown's temps today: 33/13 DCA is never going to reflect exactly what your climate is because you live outside the beltway in the suburbs.
  25. High/low of select east coast cities: BOS - 22/10 NYC - 20/10 PHL - 20/11 BWI - 22/10 DCA - 25/15 RIC - 27/12 RDU - 32/19 ATL - 36/14 JAX - 34/31 MIA - 69/52
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