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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. pretty amazing this fairly small company just landed a spacecraft on the moon.
  2. some of you must've gotten a ton of rain today based on both the radar and the constant very dark clouds in our northern sky.
  3. maybe we'll score the 80F in December (the one month we're missing)
  4. let's leave aside that this answer is largely laughable and not worthy of any serious consideration. Do you have any statistically significant evidence that decreasing the resolution on weather models improves their accuracy?
  5. amazingly we still have some patches of snow in shaded/protected areas. I'm honestly impressed.
  6. it's not fun when you are enjoying a nice warm day at a rooftop bar in midtown and 30 min later it's 55 and foggy.
  7. yep being by the ocean or a big body of water (bay, etc) is not fun in the spring at our latitude. Water temps still in the 40s/50s with the onshore flow.
  8. If you think spring is bad here try living on Long Island or coastal New England. You can get raw 50s well into June - miserable.
  9. definitely open to suggestions if you think there are better ways we can attempt to model the atmosphere.
  10. DCA's temps are fairly representative of an area where over a million people live, so I wouldn't say it's that disingenuous. "Outside the typical UHI areas" is lol - that's where most people live!
  11. any time DCA gets below freezing it's considered "cold" now
  12. I tend to like April, but if you are along the coast in the NE (NYC, and even worse, Boston), it can suck. I remember days in NYC where you'd be enjoying a nice spring day, temps in the mid 70s, then BAM - wind shifts to the southeast and you get the marine layer coming in. Fog and temps 45-55 for days. Meanwhile it's still warm further west.
  13. lots of places (that are desirable) have caught up to us. For example, a $1M house in Denver or Boulder doesn't get you much these days, similar to parts of DC.
  14. you are closer to Montreal if you live way up towards the Canadian border though - although might want to brush up on your French lol.
  15. High of 50, low of 25 here. Pleasant this afternoon, snow remains in some shaded spots.
  16. lol yeah not great timing for rapid industrialization - i think the frustrating thing is that we now have more understanding and technological capacity to curb our influence, but society just doesn't really want to (globally).
  17. the snow is somehow sticking to some things here, despite a temp in the upper 30s (it is dropping pretty quickly now)
  18. you said the models never showed those totals which is flat out wrong.
  19. flurries / lgt snow here in Tenleytown with a temp of 40F lol
  20. Yeah I'm stuck at 40 (temp actually ticked up a smidge over the past 40 min or so).
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