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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. had about a 15-20 min stretch of 32C (89.6F) on the 5 min obs (plus a bunch more times hitting it for 2 or 3 obs in a row), it usually sneaks in there when that happens.
  2. yep - sure it's nice they get more snow and stuff, but the springs up there are god-awful.
  3. lol it's 54F in Boston. Enjoy spring!!
  4. lol looks like we're gonna do it on a pure south wind - sure, why not.
  5. if DCA can get an hour or so of a more W wind, I think they'll it 90.
  6. 80/67 here - definitely feeling like summer.
  7. yeah not buying it for the urban areas - DCA still at 53F. 51F here with some elevation.
  8. 41F at DCA, 38F in Tenleytown
  9. lol quite the rain event here (NOT)
  10. high of 84, low of 52 in Tenley.
  11. yeah it's got that feel tonight
  12. some nasty storms coming out of NC.
  13. yep - this is what you'd expect in some place like SC or southern GA.
  14. Temps still near 70F here at 11pm.
  15. mid 60s as we approach midnight - awesome.
  16. Yeah this checks out - used to be Maryland until those jerks abandoned us. I honestly can root for almost any other ACC team, but VT and Duke are tough. I'll only pull for them if it's against and SEC team or they are basically the last ACC team left standing. I'll be pulling for NC State against Purdue - but I still think everyone is just lining up for the chance to get crushed by UConn.
  17. i honestly just want to see them crush everyone. i love it. also the ACC and Big East have been getting major disrespect lately.
  18. ah my young friend - even though that happened, you can NEVER root for Dook (unless they are playing an SEC team).
  19. the only positive is knowing it's even worse in NY and Boston.
  20. it's fun to watch all these teams play close games just to earn a chance to get blown out by UConn by 30.
  21. As mentioned before here and in the article, the decrease in nights with freezing temps is just astounding. 32 such nights this year and 36 last year - I mean that's less than 1/3 of nights all winter seeing freezing temps and a two year total that's closer to what we'd expect in ONE winter.
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