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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. 95/75 here - fairly brutal (HI of 107)
  2. 93/75 here - not very comfortable
  3. DCA is 84F at 11pm, basically the warmest locale on the east coast at the moment. Doing what DC does best.
  4. North America has made incredible strides in cleaner air thanks to legislative action that some would trash today. The air quality in many other parts of the world is horrendous.
  5. i just simply try to avoid driving anywhere in the DMV if at all possible.
  6. 95F at DCA - hottest day of the year thus far. 100 at EWR lol
  7. 2pm roundup: DCA: 93F IAD: 92F BWI: 94F RIC: 91F PHL: 92F NYC: 93F EWR: 98F (lol)
  8. i think during one of the mega heat waves in the early 2010s, EWR was like a high of 108 and low of 86 or something - like come on. NYC was 104/84 that day, but still.
  9. there is a lot of huffing and puffing about the location of official sites that I think is way overblown (like KNYC is in the middle of a park, yet people still complain it is not representative of NYC). However EWR is ridiculous.
  10. lol - EWR is already at 97F. The tarmac is hot today
  11. 88/70 here, same as DCA. Definitely warmer today.
  12. DCA should hit 90 at noon or close to it. Prob looking at 95-97 today I would think unless we get clouds or a more dominant south wind. Although the Potomac is heating up - water temp in the Washington Channel (closest buoy to DCA) is 83F.
  13. We need to invest in some more heat-resilient infra lol. WMATA has also slowed down trains above ground to a max of 35mph due to rail temps of more than 130F.
  14. Not sure if anyone is traveling by train along the NE corridor, but train service is suspended between New Haven and Philly due to power outages around NYC (along the tracks).
  15. log another one - 91F at least in DC we've also stayed above 70 for the past few nights.
  16. yeah the temps in Maine and Atlantic Canada were record breaking.
  17. as with the past few summers here - it's not the actual temps on a given day that are unusual, it's the persistence of the above-normal temps (particularly at night).
  18. classic DC summer incoming
  19. 94F for the high at DCA, not too shabby.
  20. 90/74 here, getting a bit uncomfortable lol DCA up to 93
  21. ours was in the low 100s in the late afternoon, topping off around 102F (91/75).
  22. DCA at 32C / 89.6F at the 1230 ob, prob will have 90 at 1pm.
  23. still in the low 80s at 10pm -proper summer now.
  24. 90/70 at DCA - it begins. 89/74 here - starting to get uncomfortable
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