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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. Can't tell you the number of times i've almost been hit by a driver either crossing Connecticut or by folks turning onto it from a side street. Slow the fuck down.
  2. i mean i run through there all the time so i don't mind drivers slowing down and not killing people tbh
  3. DCA only dropped to 81F overnight again - although I doubt we'll hold it until 1am. Wouldn't be surprised to see low-mid 90s though since we started so warm.
  4. With a 1am temp of 85F, June 23 goes in the books for DCA as: High: 99F Low: 81F This is the earliest reading above 80F on record at DCA and only one of a handful of times of an 80+ low in June. This is the first 80+ low at DCA since 2019. BWI also records a low of 81F for yesterday (98/81) - not sure on records there but I can't imagine many other June nights this warm.
  5. we need more trains so people don't have to drive everywhere. it would be better for everyone's blood pressure.
  6. 11pm DCA: 87F IAD: 84F BWI: 87F
  7. 8pm: DCA: 92F IAD: 91F BWI: 90F Highs today: DCA: 99F (R) IAD: 98F (R) BWI: 97F (R) RIC: 99F CHO: 97F ORF: 99F (R)
  8. DCA holding in the mid 90s.
  9. DCA tied or broke its daily record - IAD broke its record edit: LWX says DCA has hit at least 99F, so they broke their record too.
  10. 98F at DCA - might get it if we get a tad bit more clearing.
  11. sun angle is gonna hurt accumulations imo
  12. yeah I think that might ruin it. I'm torn bc I want the 80-degree low but I also need the rain lol. I feel like we'll have some additional opportunities this summer. Already in the upper 80s in the 9am hour at DCA. Winds out of the SSW so a bit more of a fetch off of Crystal City vs the river.
  13. any time it stays around 70 for the low in Augusta County, that's pretty impressive.
  14. midnight temps IAD: 87F DCA: 86F BWI: 83F
  15. We are now on 80-degree low watch: 8pm temps: DCA: 93F IAD: 93F BWI: 91F
  16. lol DC Water sent me a notice that they had detected "high usage at this address" - yeah no shit, i'm trying to keep everything alive.
  17. lol you have the right idea being above 4000ft today
  18. i was picking up my daughter and wife from DCA and the car was reading 102F in the shade lol. Yup.
  19. SO we got: BWI: 101F DCA: 100F IAD: 100F not too shabby folks Here in Tenleytown: 98/74 with a HI of 110
  20. https://x.com/NWS_BaltWash/status/1804621675188863463
  21. DCA hits 100F (at 4:24pm per LWX) Finally lol
  22. all the airports have hit at least 98
  23. lol yeah - no cold water for the next couple of months
  24. water temps in the bay already up into the low-mid 80s. yikes.
  25. highs so far: DCA: 97 IAD: 98 BWI: 98
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