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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. i miss running along the river in NY. Generally made even the worst heat somewhat tolerable.
  2. 97/77, HI of 112. Went for a 6 mile run a bit ago - not my fastest pace lol. Anyone seeing this 105F out of RDU? Is that legit because if so jfc.
  3. 85/78, HI of 98 here - brutal.
  4. Heads up all of DC and Arlington are under a boil water advisory.
  5. always seems like the real monster ones either seek out or create their own favorable environments
  6. the first 'cane of the season growing to a Cat 5 in absolutely absurd, unprecedented fashion is an ominous start for sure
  7. meanwhile we didn't get jack in upper NW and it's 92/78.
  8. lol DCA did get 0.13" but temp only dropped to like 88F and now it's 90/91 with a dew at 76/77.
  9. 95/77 here with a HI of 110.
  10. i mean he built a hurricane resistant house in MS - maybe he should invest in a "hurricane-resistant" boat to puncture these storms over the open water lol
  11. do we think it hits Cat 5 before midnight UTC? That would be a stretch I would think.
  12. also it's kinda crazy how far south this is right? It'll be moving not too far offshore of coastal Guyana and Venezuela lol
  13. DCA at 84/75, 84/76 here.
  14. 91F at DCA - log another one.
  15. 100% - we need more cross-suburb rail transit. The purple line is a start in MD, but VA needs a lot more. You should be able to take a train between cities/towns without having to always go through DC or do a bunch of transfers.
  16. dry ground + wind with any west component = furnace.
  17. i am generally of the view that widening ends up creating more traffic (induced demand etc) - but I agree with you all this stretch makes no sense. The lane reduction northbound just creates back-ups. I don't think it should be a priority for MDOT (WE NEED MORE TRANSIT) but they could do something with this corridor to reduce congestion. Rail? Bus rapid transit? Something.
  18. 15-20" over the last 30 days in parts of southern MN from what I read. pretty crazy
  19. i live on a street corner and people just blow through the stop sign all the time. like - my kids cross the street there along with hundreds of other neighborhood kids. just a total lack of consideration for others these days And 100% on the noise detection - we used to live near the end of I-66 when it goes by the Watergate and the noise was ridiculous.
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