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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. Yeah i would just monitor Amtrak/MARC alerts. I was once on an Amtrak train from Boston back to NY on one of those early 2010s summer days when we were all like 100-105 (all the way up to New England), and a Metro North train in front of us ripped down the electric wires (because they were sagging). We were stuck in New Haven for like 3 or 4 hours until Amtrak found some diesel engine to take us back to NY.
  2. def if that W to NW wind continues. That's a furnace wind for DCA (right off the heavily urbanized areas of S Arlington).
  3. not sure if that line is electrified (I do know between DC and B'more is because those are Amtrak tracks) but the overhead wires can have issues when it gets 100F+. Also the rails can get warped. Metro will prob be running reduced speeds above ground today.
  4. might wanna drive to shady grove and take the metro.
  5. 93F at 10am at DCA. Yikes.
  6. wonder if it was that day we hit 98 in October.
  7. lol already near 90F now. Ridiculous.
  8. 87/73 at midnight at DCA. Warm.
  9. this summer has been so ridiculous that mid-upper 80s well into the night almost seem routine at this point.
  10. 88 at 10pm with the dews creeping back up.
  11. just got a nice shower going across DC. DCA at 99.
  12. DCA has hit at least 95F - ominous for the coming days.
  13. all we need is someone to take a snapshot of the radar at some random point tomorrow and call, "BUST!"
  14. W or NW wind off of Crystal City/I-395 is a furnace wind in the summer.
  15. yeah i figured we wouldn't hold it with the drier air moving in. Low was 75 (still have a 75+ streak going lol).
  16. honestly pretty shocked we kept the 80+ low despite the line of showers/storms moving through
  17. 82/69 at 1am gives DCA a 97/81 on the day, so another 80+ low in the books (we're at 5 now).
  18. seems like the DC TV mets are going for near 100 or 100+ next week. Good luck everyone lol.
  19. made it through the rain (84/77 at 9pm) but we'll see if it keeps. The high dews will help.
  20. DCA, along with likely logging another 97+ day, has been hanging around 107-110 for the heat index most of the day. Here, our dewpoint has been around 80F all day - it's literally arresting when you step outside.
  21. DCA is 91/77 with a HI of 105 at 11 am. Goodness. 89/80 here in Tenleytown.
  22. Lol there is a video of Trudeau going for a run on the Mall at around 7am this morning (DCA was 84/75 at that moment) - hope my dude brought some water.
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