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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. I grew up on Western Avenue, near the park. (That's where my avatar photo was taken.) I feel your pain. maybe there is some topological reason lol - it's so weird.
  2. Down to a cool 86F in Tenleytown at 930pm.
  3. lol it falls apart again as it nears Western Ave. Someone explain it to me.
  4. 95/70 at 9pm at DCA. Hot.
  5. DCA stayed at 100F or more from 1250pm to 545pm - insane.
  6. seems like some popcorn storms died over you
  7. 100/71 here in Tenleytown. First time this year.
  8. and more impressive we've mostly done this on a south wind right off the water.
  9. nothing but blue sky here - wild. absolute furnace rn.
  10. first time since 1930 that we've had three straight days of 101F+
  11. yeah we heated up big time starting around 1030am
  12. 83F at 1am, 102/81 on the day. Another 80+ low in the books. Not sure if we'll remain above 80 overnight, but we're at 6 now for the year. I believe 7 is the record.
  13. KMDW 160234Z 20014G26KT 10SM +FC SCT029 SCT120 BKN140 OVC200 31/26 A2964 RMK TORNADO B31 5 SW MOV E AO2 PK WND 19026/0229 LTG DSNT ALQDS CONS LTGIC DSNT SW-N-NE CB DSNT W-N-NE T03110261
  14. not here but woah KMDW 160234Z 20014G26KT 10SM +FC SCT029 SCT120 BKN140 OVC200 31/26 A2964 RMK TORNADO B31 5 SW MOV E AO2 PK WND 19026/0229 LTG DSNT ALQDS CONS LTGIC DSNT SW-N-NE CB DSNT W-N-NE T03110261
  15. DCA 9pm at 90F, one degree ahead of last night.
  16. DCA holding pretty strong at 91F at 8pm.
  17. yeah we got a nice brief downpour in upper NW DC too.
  18. DCA got grazed so the temp dropped into the upper 80s, but back up to 91/92. We'll see how well it holds up for the 80F low.
  19. man this is definitely an early 2010s-type summer.
  20. now at 98/99 (37C) in a 5min ob.
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