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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. gotta come up here to DC's Himalayas where we are still below freezing.
  2. high level clouds streaming overhead in DC. It begins.
  3. lol the closest PWS to DCA are running within a degree or two of it, so it's just fine. 31/4 here at noon.
  4. gonna train a new model on all the red-taggers' posts lol
  5. here too! Played since I was 4. I actually had a weekly jazz gig in the east village for a few years, and played with some big bands here in DC up until the last couple years when I just got too busy.
  6. i was in the NYC forum at the time (and before that Philly) so I am not even aware lol
  7. lovely neighborhood!! my girls enjoy the playground at 39th and Newark
  8. i know there have been some waffles but there has been remarkable consistency in the models for several days. A miracle of modern science.
  9. I've been here since winter 2001 (when I was 17). Now I'm 41 lol. time flies!!
  10. they don't even need models to forecast the weather in Canada. winter -> snow summer -> bugs There, I just did it.
  11. it's legit cold - 22F at 1120pm
  12. i mean in the grand scheme of things they are pretty damn close.
  13. pretty pathetic effort from Pittsburgh. Mostly not Wilson's fault. Nobody could catch shit.
  14. i don't think it was necessarily a north shift, but the goods spread north in Jan 2016 to allow us in NYC to cash in (into what is still NYC's biggest storm on record).
  15. looks like they are reporting frz rain and sleet now.
  16. hopefully - I am tiring of KC at this point.
  17. we had something similar when I was working for a couple larger investment banks - but the library we used to submit jobs basically tried to mirror the multiprocessing library in Python so it was fairly simple (and probably a fraction of the compute you are dealing with).
  18. Ovi with 4 goals in his first 5 games back. Dude wants it.
  19. beating the Rangers is definitely up there.
  20. interesting - basically a F ton of cores for parallel execution. All the massive LLMs are trained on huge clusters with thousands of GPUs because the core calculations involve gigantic matrices, which GPUs are really efficient at.
  21. you and I run pretty similar (except you are several degrees cooler at night) which is interesting. High of 30.9 here after a low of 26. 25 right now.
  22. i'd actually be curious what kind of hardware these models run on. Do they require a lot of GPUs like machine learning models / LLMs? Or just a ton of CPUs for parallelization?
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