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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. we'll probably be around 24-25.
  2. mod snow in Tenleytown - everything covered (including streets) 28/18
  3. if folks want the true DC alpine experience, they are welcome to check out the sledding at Ft Reno tomorrow lol
  4. light snow in Tenleytown DC!!!
  5. dude acting like it was 65 today or something
  6. you can't even see the lane lines at night - not the best roadway lol
  7. DCA still at 6k feet but the dewpoint jumped 10 degrees in the past 10 min - here we go.
  8. NBC4 saying that the GW Pkwy between 66 and the Beltway is gonna be closed. Yikes.
  9. this will be my nephew in Richmond's first real snow (he's 2) - excited for him!!
  10. isn't that really an artifact of the radar and the dry air though?
  11. seems like it's reached Springfield I-495/I-95 per traffic cams
  12. Went outside to take out the garbage, and the slightest little flurries falling here in NW DC!!
  13. their red zone performance was atrocious
  14. i had the street light outside my bedroom window growing up!
  15. DCA ceiling down to 6500 feet. It's close.
  16. Ceiling at DCA is below 10k feet now, so something is definitely falling.
  17. EZF has a dewpoint of 11F so if it's snowing there, that's good.
  18. dews still in the mid single digits here in NW DC.
  19. single digit dews will do that. you can see the effect of it on the radar.
  20. dude whenever I drive back to my parents' house in Staunton, I much prefer the DC to Front Royal leg on I-66 than the I-81 leg. I hate that f'ing road.
  21. creeping up 81 faster than normal traffic flow lol
  22. 31/5 here near the Fort Reno summit.
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