No help from the overnight EPS. Won't lie, I will keep tracking this to the bitter end hoping for a Hale Mary but at this point I have all but raised the white flag. Models have a hard time with NS energy and just a couple/few days ago when we were seeing our farther north solutions they weren't handling this one feature correctly.
The culprit is below where we see a piece of energy rotating down through southeast Canada. What this is doing is reestablishing the confluence that had just begun relaxing from the piece of PV that is now pulling up through the 50/50 region. Take that feature out and and chances are good we have our snowstorm up into DC/Balt. What we are seeing is ridging into Greenland (bootleg -NAO) with a 50/50 at both 500s and the surface. The confluence is relaxing in time to allow a northward movement of the low in the SE. Ridging developing in front of the trough that is dropping in behind the southern low. Also are seeing ridging in the west in a prime spot for developing eastern lows. A very good and almost textbook look for scoring in the mid-Atlantic.
But what we are seeing is that energy in SE Canada doing is putting a monkey wrench into the works. For one it kills the ridging in front of the trough in the southeast which in turn does not allow it a negative tilt which is more conducive for capturing/ influencing the southern low and pulling it northward. Two, it is effectively putting a wall back up over top the surface low which is blocking northward movement as it amplifies. Pretty much a double whammy.
So what changes in the coming runs could we hope for to see a farther north solution short of getting rid of that NS energy?
First we could hope for a quicker departure of the piece of pv that is now running through the 50/50 region. A quicker departure would tend to drag the energy rotating around it farther north as it swings through SE Canada which in turn pulls the confluence farther north as well. Second, we could hope for that NS energy to be slower as it swings down through SE Canada. This would allow the storm to gain some latitude during the relax before the wall comes down again. But let's face it, at this point we are just fighting for the miles to get DC into the northern fringes of possible measurable. The timing differences needed to get DC/Balt back into the game for a snowstorm are probably close to insurmountable as both the Euro and the GFS are pretty much locked in at this point. So seeing a 6 hr timing difference maybe, but a day+, that is a tall order.
Now I admit, this is becoming a big disappointment for me because I have had high hopes for this time period for 10+ days now just to see it wrecked at pretty much short range. But I wouldn't let this discourage you whatsoever for this winter. This storm, even though it looks to be a fail, is further cementing in my mind of what I expect to see this winter. That we are potentially looking at a block buster season. What we are seeing is both a juiced active southern stream as well as an active northern stream and they are converging in the central/Midwest portions of the CONUS as evidenced by this coming storm as well as several other storms we have seen recently. Now like a home run hitter, this setup will have its share of strikeouts but on the flip side it will have its share of home runs. Here's hoping that we see this home run hitter on a tear this year and not in the midst of a strikeout slump.