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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. Well respected Lancaster, PA met....
  2. This guy just loves to hype up warmth.
  3. That would be nice. Anything but nothing would be nice.
  4. The night-time lows are just incredible. A lot of above freezing nights.
  5. That's from 5 years ago, and we would all happily take that again.
  6. I think the snow will come. So many years where it looked cold and dry and everyone complained but eventually the snow came. Let’s get the cold air first.
  7. Yeah it’s annoying. Nothing worse than than weather guys rooting for abnormal warmth in January and February.
  8. Yeah, it's the rush that we all love, I think. Don't get me wrong, I love being out in the snow and the winter landscape, but the countdown to a big storm is just so much fun.
  9. I agree with him. The chase or build-up is almost more fun than when the storm gets here. Almost. It's like the build-up to Christmas and then the inevitable realization that the whole thing is now over in a matter of hours after weeks of preparation/anticipation.
  10. Yeah, oppositional was the wrong word. I guess I just meant stubborn. Trust me, I love it when people point out what could go wrong or play devil's advocate. And I also understand that where I am is different than where you are. You do need a lot more to go right than I do to get snow.
  11. You might be right. It might not snow. But why dig in like this? Science is about testing new ideas and accepting that you are often going to be incorrect with those ideas. It's just how it goes. No need to be so oppositional.
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