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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. I agree, with the first storm. The second storm could give us snow.
  2. The NAM (at range) looks very similar to the GFS. I know we all lean on climo but I have a feeling this one will be colder than any of us realize.
  3. I totally agree with this! You get to fully enjoy it. I have never understood chasing for that reason. You might be in the middle of a great storm, but then you have to say goodbye to it.
  4. The roads here are pretty bad. Everything is coated.
  5. I noticed the same thing. Whereas before they were moving northeast, now they’re moving southeast.
  6. The funniest thing I’ve seen today is that after the half inch of snow fell and tapered off to flurries, a snow removal service came to our school and used leaf blowers to clear all the snow and salted the whole parking lot, even though it all melted in the next hour. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  7. Looks like some good returns are headed my way (at home and work).
  8. Damn, the 12 K really upped the totals for York county.
  9. Have a friend right outside Boston who is going to get demolished.
  10. It’s Massachusetts. You’d be out of there quickly. Superior snow removal.
  11. It is comical how different the models are so close to this event. Imagine being a met in NYC or Boston....
  12. Not too bad.... https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmdn/pcpn_type/pcpn_type_gem_reg.html
  13. JMA and JB in the same post! We’re pretty desperate….
  14. It makes sense. Why would we tune in to see a dumbed down version of what we already know? Also, it’s annoying when they assume the entire general public hates winter.
  15. It feels like it’s being determined right now. Not sure there is any recovery from something this definitive.
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