I agree with the accumulating part. But it will start at night. For people going anywhere tomorrow morning on the southern tier (me), it could be interesting.
I think that is an inaccurate statement. It’s going to snow. Im skeptical of whether it sticks or not, but there will be snow overnight into tomorrow morning.
Re: Sixers. I don't like giving up Drummond and Curry either. However, this is a deal you have to make. Embiid only has a few more prime years left and you never replaced Simmons. They HAD to do it, as uncomfortable as it may be.
Robins hang around all winter, and you'll see them throughout the winter on warmer days or in areas where there's no snow cover. They are really not an accurate sign of spring. The Eastern Phoebe is a true sign of spring, and so is the emergence of Groundhogs from hibernation.
I am a huge baseball fan, but I will never forget ‘94. I wish I could, but ridiculous squabbles like we currently have make it impossible. If they miss a significant portion of the season, I believe many will never come back to the game.
I know a solution like the Euro showed is unlikely, but something’s gotta break for us at some point, even if it’s just a moderate event. Maybe this is it.