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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. I remember having that same experience in southern York county, PA. Amazing two part storm.
  2. I’m in Pennsylvania and the grass still looks like it’s September.
  3. Between Ji and his new understudy you’d think we were on the verge of 60s through the end of the year.
  4. There is still a lot of time for this to change. I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.
  5. Hahahaha we can dream, I guess. It’ll probably be gone at 0z.
  6. Agreed. The thing I love the most about winter is the winter landscape and snow that has staying power. That can't happen in late winter, but it certainly can now.
  7. Let’s be honest, people are only annoyed with Elliot from MU because he usually crushes our snowy dreams. I guarantee you no one would complain about him if we were getting plastered regularly.
  8. There were long times in between snow. January wasn't great until the very end, but the two week stretch we went through was just unbelievable.
  9. Big wind gusts here over the last few minutes.
  10. I can guarantee you there will be all kinds of winter mayhem between Christmas and New Year's since I will be away visiting Disney during that time.
  11. He’s the biggest weenie and snow hyper on Twitter.
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