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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. 6 more weeks of looking at long range 'threats' that will never come to fruition.
  2. January - Mount Joy average: 39.1, York average - 39.6
  3. I'm just saying that everyone is focusing on lack of snow and some are using historical statistics to show that what we're experiencing isn't abnormal. Let's see when the last time that NYC had 33 days in a row above normal.
  4. 33 days in a row of above normal temperatures….I wonder how many of those days never got below freezing. I bet it was 20, at least.
  5. Again….the 33 consecutive days of above normal temperatures is the story. The lack of snow sucks, but you can be shutout in a cold pattern.
  6. But it’s not out of control to simply state an observation or facts about how truly pathetic this winter has been.
  7. Horrible decision to call that. It’s a playoff game. Late in the game. Winner goes to the Super Bowl. In the NHL playoffs, refs won’t call penalties late in games/overtime unless they are really egregious. That’s the way it should be. Let the players decide the game.
  8. I’m simply stating that the climate of the earth is different than it was 30+ years ago. Oceans are warmer, circulations are changing…..which causes the climate to do things that we can’t fully understand or predict. To state that the climate is exactly the same as it was in the 60s is flat out wrong. We do still have cycles, but they aren’t what they used to be. They’re being enhanced/perturbed.
  9. Never said it wouldn’t snow again. Just that we are operating in a new reality. The entire system has changed and we can’t expect things to be business as usual.
  10. I know we’re all complaining about no snow, but that is really not a great indicator of climate change. My comment was more to show the irrefutable evidence that the ocean is way warmer than it used to be and to think that has no effect on climate is crazy.
  11. Yes, and this explains a lot as well: Global ocean heat content (OHC) hit a record high: The upper ocean heat content, which addresses the amount of heat stored in the upper 2,000 meters of the ocean, was record high in 2022, surpassing the previous record set in 2021. The four highest OHCs have all occurred in the last four years (2019-2022).
  12. https://www.noaa.gov/news/2022-was-worlds-6th-warmest-year-on-record#:~:text=Below are highlights from NOAA's 2022 annual global climate report%3A&text=Earth's average land and ocean,in the 1880-2022 record. Global ocean heat content (OHC) hit a record high: The upper ocean heat content, which addresses the amount of heat stored in the upper 2,000 meters of the ocean, was record high in 2022, surpassing the previous record set in 2021. The four highest OHCs have all occurred in the last four years (2019-2022).
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