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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. In December 2020, we got 12 inches in York County, PA. Not saying it's common but you never know.
  2. @psuhoffman mentioned it previously, as well. The disturbing part is we have been getting in patterns that historically deliver and they don’t. It’s still too warm.
  3. I think the point being made is that we could have the perfect pattern and still not have what we need. Everything is warm so even ideal conditions don’t result in snow.
  4. My opinion is that people are already upset because it never seems to snow anymore. And then psuhoffman gives them a dose of reality and it pushes them over the edge. Them being me.
  5. Head coach of Akron. You are correct that it is the last time we had a good offense. I’d be offering him a contract right about now.
  6. I'm just too crushed to watch it. It's not because I don't love baseball. I do.
  7. I have that familiar feeling going into tonight. Not a positive thing.
  8. Happy my seats are under the upper deck. Tailgating will be miserable, though.
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