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Everything posted by alex

  1. Dogs enjoying all that Spring has to offer
  2. A word of caution. Tried that a few years ago when I first bought my current house and it was a disaster. Granted I live in snowland and my driveway is a quarter of a mile long, but even with weights and chain the JD125 we have would slip and get stuck all the time. Driveway is flat. Then one time we got an inch and a half of sleet and it couldn't do anything to it at all. That was the final straw (and happened on like day 85 of the 90 day return policy). Took it back to Lowes and got a plow.
  3. Yep, siblings. We went through the state. Essentially you have to foster for at least a year, then you can petition to permanently adopt them. But that's in a very tiny nutshell . Crazy how many kids from our own back yards in one of the richest countries in the world desperately need a home.
  4. Thanks. 2 year old girl (almost 3) and 5 year old boy. They already love skiing!
  5. Oh and our kids adoption is official.
  6. Was down in Nashua today and the smell of rain on bare ground was awesome. It was so springy. Lost some decent snowpack here, already down to 22" and Twin just a few miles away is maybe 50% bare.
  7. Had a funny thought this mornk v. Lots of snow but very wet and damp... Feels like Christmas! Lol May also be because it's very festive at my house. Headed to Nashua for our kids official adoption!
  8. Yeah lost lives and property are always awesome
  9. You can start seeing some diurnal increases in the river downstream from us. Pretty cool. Stake at 31" so still a long way to go.
  10. I’m actually a bit surprised that it's not melting faster, but I guess Temps are not that high and dp very low. My deck still has a couple of feet on it and it sits in the sun all day and the river hasn't increased at all on flow
  11. I’m actually a bit surprised that it's not melting faster, but I guess Temps are not that high and dp very low. My deck still has a couple of feet on it and it sits in the sun all day and the river hasn't increased at all on flow
  12. Absolutely. The differences around here are amazing and not necessarily elevation driven. The area on Rt 3 just north of Franconia Notch always has significantly less snow than just north or south. I think it downslopes from every direction lol. Stake still at 33" here. Probably the deepest, most consistent and most prolonged snowpacks since moving here. My lower level window is still buried!
  13. I have 3 feet on the ground. I'm done.
  14. Edit: just looked at the stake, exactly 3 feet! Deepest of the season
  15. Back to moderate snow. 4.25" new, which would be 16.75" total but depth on the deck where it wasn't cleared is 14.5" with compaction
  16. Significantly lighter here now but everything is plastered. My favorite storm since November. I'll go out and measure in a bit
  17. Precip has turned almost squally here, goes from light/moderate to heavy and back
  18. No, too lazy (or really, too busy) to that. 12.5 is what was actually on the ground. I have shoveled a few sections since then so I'll have an idea of new accumulation.
  19. Back to heavy heavy snow after an hour or so of lighter stuff. 12.5" new snow on the ground.
  20. What a storm. Just measured 10" and the stake is back up to about 30" (hard to tell because it's plastered).
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