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Everything posted by alex

  1. We lost a lot of reds here, but still nice.
  2. We are currently hosting a wedding on property. The tent has sides but still, I would not want to be standing around out there at 31 degrees in early October. It feels way colder than it does later in the year
  3. Temp tanking here. Already down to 33
  4. Speaking of fog, my kid now goes to school in "HIE" and I've been surprised by how much fog they get! Almost every morning.
  5. I can attest to that. We still has SOME mosquitoes after 27F mornings. Not nearly as many, but some. In related news, what a raw day here. Feels like a prelude to upslope if it were a tad warmer - currently 43/39, gray sky, wind howling. It's coming...
  6. The Notch is not too bad. It's the Kanc that's out of control. But the notch doesn't really get great colors, there's not a lot of maples, mostly beech
  7. What in the world is that goblin thing right over my location???
  8. Holy storms. Lots of lightning. 1.02" so far
  9. Works for us in the tourism industry. The message is... Just come see it.
  10. I have the same issue with iPhone 10. I look at the hills and I'm like - man that's gorgeous. Then I take a picture and it looks like the foliage from 3 weeks ago. I'd love to understand why, I thought it was supposed to be a great camera
  11. A frosty 31 degrees here. Diane is ready.
  12. Went for a ride up to Colebrook today; foliage is getting good! Certainly not at peak yet. Always forget how beautiful the Great North Woods area is. South Pond is just stunning. A bald eagle flew by but I didn't get a picture of it.
  13. Wow that seems weird. 4.7" here for the month. It came in big rainstorms so it's been dry at times, but certainly not dry overall
  14. I went to the Flume today. Franconia Notch is way behind. That said, I think foliage in Franconia Notch sucks in general. Too many beech trees. It's never that great
  15. I was in Montreal for the day today and it was in the low 70s! Felt weird and unexpected. High of 59 here.
  16. Just got back from a day trip to Montreal and it was interesting to see the difference. Great color from here through the NEK but diminishing rapidly around Jay, then a few areas of color around the mountains in Southern Quebec, and absolutely nothing in Montreal. It was very summery there
  17. What's with this crappy cold rain? I thought it was going to be nice to day! Have to drive to Montreal to pick up my mom from the airport
  18. Lol. I spent it all on this damn house. Sell the house, buy a sensor? Those look cool! Just ordered the tenths rules. Seems a bit more in my price range
  19. So... it's time to start thinking of snow measuring. One challenge is always the small, daily snow we usually get. Has anybody tried something like this??? Stratus RG202 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000X3KTHS/ref=twister_B07NDM7Q8B?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
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