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Everything posted by alex

  1. The mystery mist and low ceiling today was very scenic. Silver cascade was right at the edge of the cloud deck, with the top part disappearing into the fog.
  2. Haha that's what I said yesterday. It's like a different world south of the Notch
  3. Yes really happy with it so far! Got the Tesla Y. We did get our first frost a couple of days ago, on a low of 31.5. But I really don't mind prolonging the warm weather for a bit! Cold before Halloween is useless.
  4. I'm down in Nashua to pick up a new car (electric, yeyyy!) and it's pretty cool to see the difference. Franconia Notch seems to be where a tight foliage gradient starts. Great color north of the notch. Not much in the Notch - but then again, it's a lot of beech there so I never find it that great, and pretty much nothing just south of it, although it has that "ready to go" color. Also it feels like summer down here! And of course, we left dreary drizzly weather to find sunshine as soon as we were past the notch.
  5. Feels very upslopey out there. Was in Jackson for dinner, dry there and through most of the notch, then some moderate rain from the top of the notch to just before the Mt Washington Hotel, and more of a heavy drizzle from there to home. Similar pattern to the winter upslope.
  6. 31.5 here. Delayed but not denied lol
  7. Attitash actually has some great terrain, but the lifts suck. Getting to the summit - which has the best terrain IMO - is an ordeal. It's disappointing that they didn't replace that summit chair, it would completely change my outlook on it. Of course they do suffer from the low base area early in the season, but it can be an awesome mountain.
  8. It seems the best is going to be in the next week to 10 days - at least for those like me who like it when it's still somewhat "not uniformly red/orange" - and at least locally. Down in Conway still has a while to go, probably closer to Columbus Day
  9. For you guys. I don't need it in October skiing the glades by Thanksgiving is pretty awesome and doable.
  10. Ended with 1.96" of rain here. Hey, could have been worse, could have been 2" of rain lol
  11. Posted in the other thread. Zealand Falls area - about a mile from my house - today.
  12. What are you all snorting? Seems perfectly on time. It’s September 19 lol. Any earlier and there would be sticks by early October.
  13. Hiked up the Zealand Trail with the kiddos today. Absolutely stunning day, the sky is a perfect blue
  14. Haha. Believe or not we get bookings from people who come in late October to see foliage. Always feel bad for them
  15. That makes sense. Funny thing is, it actually felt like a wet summer all in all. The NEK, especially northern sections, seems to be much drier though
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