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Everything posted by alex

  1. I mean, this is my backyard on Jan 4 at 1500 feet in NNE. You don’t find that epic???
  2. Sorry to hear. Both my kids have already had fractured bones from skiing, and Diane last year had her ACL issue… skiing definitely has its downsides. It’s a good thing we love it so much! Hope you get back to it soon, even if on easy trails. Being out there is half the enjoyment, no matter what trail you’re on!
  3. Yeah we’ve certainly had meltdowns like this if not worse before. Usually those come alongside long periods of snowy weather- we haven’t had that much of that, but winter has a long way to go.
  4. Today is a perfect example of why people shouldn’t stress out too much about ski conditions in bad patterns - as long as the resort has good grooming. You’d think it’d be as bad as it gets with the weather we had and last nights freeze, but it’s actually very enjoyable. Fast, loose granular with good grip. It helps that there are no crowds. Of course, good grooming is key. I went to Jiminy Peak last year when the weather was pretty decent and the conditions were atrocious. A ski patrol told me “this is New England - it’s how it’s supposed to be.” Yeah, not so much. Just gotta ski the right places!
  5. Getting some flurries/light snow. My kiddo has his first ski race tomorrow... should be some FAST conditions!
  6. At this rate we can soon switch to the allergy season one
  7. Yes! Went out just for a couple of runs because my kids asked me to ski a bit with them after their ski team practice, and I couldn't stop! It just felt so good. Honestly, I wish we could get more days like this, interspersed with lots of snow. Wouldn't that me amazing? My son has is first U10 race on Monday. His coach told me 2 days ago that apparently he's REALLY good and they asked me to get him actual race gear... damn it's an expensive sport. But he loves it and seeing him become so much better than me at age 8 is pretty amazing. Happy New Year everyone!
  8. On more positive topics, jeesus the skiing was amazing today. One of my favorite days. The snow consistency was perfect and being outside in this weather just feels awesome. Sorry you could enjoy it though PF. BUT there will be more.
  9. So sorry to hear that! Get better soon!
  10. Oh and also... Looks like we go from this to suppression lol??? If that happens Im moving to Northern Japan
  11. I really honestly don't remember seeing so many people so sick ever. It's crazy! The daughter of a friend has had a 100+ fever for over a week. Insane. I hope you feel better and that 2023 can bring some health to everyone!
  12. I just posted in the other thread - 33 here, 53 in Twin. It's wild!
  13. There are some wild temperatures around here. 33 at my house, 53 in Twin Mountain 6 miles away
  14. The auto road profile shows it perfectly
  15. 36 here. I was actually reflecting on how we deal with frost through mid June, but won't go below freezing in late December. Perfectly normal, I know, but funny to think about.
  16. Gotta admit, today felt awesome. Skiers looked stoked, even if the conditions are not perfect. Huge crowd. Looking strictly at the GFS, looks like things start looking pretty decent about a week for now - so for the time being, seems like we should enjoy this spring stretch, the real thing is still a ways away!
  17. Eek didn't realized that. Haven't heard much detail about it.
  18. There are a ton ton of amazing hikes here between Mt Washington and Franconia Notch, but please do be careful and really consider your experience level. Another hike died this week - second in a month. Winter hiking is serious business!
  19. Finally some decent snow here too. Been flurries for 3 days lol... now big fat flakes
  20. Took this picture yesterday - some pretty cool ice formation on the wetlands as the flood waters receded
  21. Just started flurrying here. Tried hockey with the kids -lol, we are a disaster. But fun. Skiing wasn't bad either.
  22. Yeah - at least the manmade snowpack. The natural will be so thin by then that its preservation is essentially meaningless
  23. Amazing that we manage to rain with a low going over the Cape lol
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