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About alex

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  • Location:
    Bretton Woods, NH, 1560 ft asl

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  1. Had a great somewhat sunny ski day, now started snowing again. Big fluffy flakes but not very heavy
  2. It is absolutely epic out there, no other way to describe it.
  3. 6” here, on the high end of the forecast. Stake up to 21”. Here’s my meaty table (and sectional behind it)! Still snowing but pretty light atm
  4. What an awesome winter. Snowing again, I can’t get over how good the conditions are. On that note, we still have a lot of vacation homes available for Mass and NH school vacation weeks. We have a special offer to email subscribers going out on Sunday for a “name your own price” deal. Happy to roll it out to anyone on this forum too; just email [email protected] the desired home and/or any requirements (n of bedrooms, n of people, pet or no pets), your offer, and we will try to match with owners that are willing to give that price.
  5. Crazy whiteout this morning. Stake up to 17”
  6. -16F to 27F today. Feels balmy now. Skiing is epic, only one lift running today but otherwise the ski area is 100% open. It’s nice to see we can still pull off a real winter after the last few. Hoping SNE can cash in too, it’s certainly been a nice season up here and that looks to continue. And I certainly won’t complain if we get an early spring in March/April at this point.
  7. About 3” overnight, stuck to everything. Very pretty
  8. It’s warmed up a bit here too so it’s snowing hard but not accumulating much. Should be good for the ski slopes though. 32.4F
  9. Snowing pretty well here, with a warmish 31F temperature. P&C says 3-5”, which added to last nights 4-5” should make for some nice gains if it verifies. 15” at the stake
  10. Snowing pretty well here, temp 31F. I was in Boston last night and got an inch or two there, I was surprised to come home to another 4-5”. Definitely helped cover up some of the skied up areas from the weekend in the glades. Stake at 15”
  11. It is pretty remarkable. Even in good winters we usually see a snow - snow - rain - snow - snow - rain seesaw that builds up the pack. Having no rain mixed in at all has made the quality of the skiing amazing, even if the depth is not particularly impressive.
  12. It’s been a great month for sure, and not just for the snow, but for the lack of cutters and warmups
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