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Storm Clouds

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Everything posted by Storm Clouds

  1. Took the dog for an hour walk tonight. 45 degrees with NO WIND felt so nice! I’m ready ya’ll, bring on spring!
  2. I just got on to say this weather can go to hell. Cold, wind, wind chill, zero snow to show for it. I’m over this winter lol.
  3. I’m ready for it at this point! Let’s get some boomers in there as well!
  4. You don’t know with 100% certainty that the models will move back north tomorrow at 12z. You’re hopeful that they will (like the rest of us on here are), but you can’t say that for certain. I hope I eat crow tomorrow at 12z and you are right, but you don’t know that for sure.
  5. Pure speculation and wishcasting at its finest. Please stop and live in the moment and seasonal trends. It doesn’t look good right now with today’s trends. Maybe light/moderate event sure. Hope I’m wrong, but wishcasting does no one any good.
  6. So frustrating…it’s like the same trend every storm this year. We can’t win.
  7. It’ll be interesting to see at what point the news outlets start blowing the horn for Thursday. WGAL this morning was just like “some snow” making it sound like no big deal.
  8. Ok let’s lock the Canadian up and call it a winter…my goodness!!!
  9. Thanks guys. We’ll see how the day goes tomorrow haha.
  10. Ok can someone help me out please…I’m supposed to attend an event in Lancaster tomorrow from 6-9PM. I’ll be driving over from York. Will it just be rain by that point? Should I reconsider?
  11. Come on…let’s pull this thing west lol it’s our turn!
  12. The radar is just depressing lol…this storm literally found the Mason Dixon line!
  13. No please let’s not disrespect Elliot. I actually went to college with him. He loves cold and snow just like all of us on here, he’s just making a solid forecast. Very few models have 2 inches getting north of Harrisburg. It is what it is.
  14. Yes, but here is the problem folks...we keep kicking the can further down the road. Sorry to be such a pessimist, but that 20th storm on the Euro will be gone next run. It's always 10 days away...it'll soon be spring. Time keeps ticking away.
  15. All models seem pretty well locked in now with 1-3 in south central PA…especially south. MD wins big again this year.
  16. Once again, York and Lancaster have like 5 different shades of snowfall from north to south lol. Seriously it happens ALL THE TIME!
  17. At this point, just let Tuesday’s storm die. Hopefully that helps the next storm trend better for us.
  18. Whatever snow doesn’t get removed off roads tonight is going to turn into a glacier for the next several days. It’s supposed to be 16 tonight for a low! I’m a school teacher…already have tomorrow off because of MLK day, but something tells me lots of schools will be off at least Tuesday as well. Not to mention the bitter cold.
  19. Maybe another hour to go…ended too soon! Great event nonetheless!
  20. I’m really surprised by how well the driveways and roads have not caved yet here…
  21. White rain… Shame because it’s snowing nice and moderately…
  22. Wow way ahead of schedule! Good to know…thanks!
  23. Light snow for the past half hour in York, but not laying on anything yet. What time does the main part of the storm start?
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