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Everything posted by roardog

  1. As the southern US starts to warm in March, the temperature contrast really gets wild and therefore so can the snow on the cold side. You gotta love when it’s snowing and 30F at your house and 70F a 3 hour drive away.
  2. I don’t know if it’s even possible to get weather warm enough for long enough to cause the trees to bud here in February.
  3. I recall Feb 2018 being quite mild then March and April were brutal. Ice storm in mid to late April here. That year was transitioning from Nina to Nino too. Hmmm.
  4. These things tend to have over achieving temps south of the low track. Wherever the wind manages to go SW, there will probably be a mini torch. These can be frustrating in the spring when it’s 70F south of the front and 40F with rain and fog north of it. Thankfully, it’s January so I’d rather be on the cold side of it.
  5. Sorry Minnesota posters but today will probably start the SE and weaker trend.
  6. I think we can all agree that the bottom line is that Bevis just has unrealistic expectations for where he lives. Northern Minnesota would be a better place for him to live. I’m not sure even the UP of Michigan would work because it doesn’t get cold enough there.
  7. I know Detroit doesn’t represent the entire Midwest but I always enjoy when a poster tries to say they remember something about a specific year or decade then michsnowfreak comes along with the actual stats which are usually nothing like that poster remembers. lol
  8. The new England and mid Atlantic forums are getting some epic meltdowns now. lol
  9. Obviously the Pacific is warmer now than it was 40 years ago so that could add on a couple of degrees but with a trough from Alaska to Mexico, there’s nothing but Pacific air throughout the US and Canada. Is it really that different than a month like January 1990 that had the same set up but with a cooler Pacific Ocean?
  10. I would recommend not looking at the end of the 12Z Geps today. lol
  11. It’ll be interesting if there’s still drought around next spring. If we do get a developing Nino next year then I’d assume that favors a wetter and cooler summer in the Midwest but who knows? Even if a Nino is developing by then, there could be a Nina hangover from 3 years of Nina though too. Obviously all speculation at this point.
  12. I haven’t been paying real close attention but it seems to me that it wasn’t too long ago that Friday was looking like a decent rain but that seems to have turned into a stronger northern stream system instead with just a dry front. Just like every snowstorm. Some sort of southern stream system tries to come this way over the weekend with rain but I’m sure that will trend SE and weaker too.
  13. Look at it this way. Less fog next week when Spring comes. lol
  14. Canadian definitely taking longer to ramp up and ending up quite a bit east.
  15. The SE and weaker trend has been around for years now it seems. How many storms over the last few years have turned from huge to almost nothing in the last 48 hours of model tracking? Will this be another one?
  16. Developing El Niño next year? Wet summer coming?
  17. This could be the earliest reference to sun angle on record. If your location can’t handle a late January sun angle, you’re pretty much screwed. lol
  18. That map is mean sea level pressure for 3 months. That almost seems useless to me. lol
  19. How much later do the leaves come out there in the spring compared to inland areas?
  20. All these theories work until they don’t. Remember all the high latitude blocking due to low sea ice theory? That didn’t work out too well either.
  21. What I hate is a snowfall that starts with a surface temp above freezing. It always feels like a good portion of the snow that falls gets wasted as it melts at first. Surface temps in the mid 20s seem like a good starting point. The flakes usually aren’t the consistency of dust and it all accumulates as soon as it starts to fall.
  22. It was a different type of summer around here than what we’ve become used to the last few years. A lot more days with lower dew points allowing cooler nights. It seemed like we were never going to have summer dew points below 60 again after the last few years.
  23. It definitely gets easier this time of year when the sun goes down so much earlier. Over here the sun doesn’t set until 9:20 in June so when it’s hot outside, I’m usually in bed by the time it really starts to cool down. lol
  24. roardog

    Winter 2022-23

    Except that it actually doesn’t predict that. It has the entire east coast with slightly above normal temps. It’s also not a winter forecast, it’s a Nov-Mar forecast.
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